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Work Order

Field Label

Field Level Help

Allocation Qty.

Populated only if Allocation is enabled for Work Order.

Allocation Status

Populated only if Allocation is enabled for Work Order.

Back Flushed

Indicates that consumption/output is posted automatically when a Work Order is finished.

Batch by Product Finished Qty Base

The finished Batch By-Product Quantity converted to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure.

Batch Finished Qty. Base

The finished Batch Quantity converted to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure.

Batch Manufacturing

Indicates that the Work Order is for a batch manufactured Item.

Batch No.

User-defined Batch number for the Work Order.

Batch Post Error

An error message that will display what prevented this Work Order from being posted in a batch post process.


The secondary Item created as a result of the manufacturing process.  Defaults from the Output Item.

Capacity Variance

Capacity WIP – (Standard Capacity Cost * Finished Qty.)

Capacity WIP

Sum of the WIP field for all Work Lines where Item Type is Service.

Catch Weight

Checked if the Output Item is a catch weight item.


The conversion factor of the Unit of Measure on the Work Order to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure.


Additional information about the Work Order can be entered.

Do Not Allocate

Funcational only if Allocation is enabled for Work Order.

Document Status

Automatically populated by GoldFinch with one of the following: Released, or Finished.  (Planned is not being used yet)

Due Date

The Due Date of the Work Order.

Ending Date

The Ending Date of the Work Order.

Ending Date/Time

The Ending Date and Time of the Work Order.

Expected Routing Cost

Sum of the Expected Cost field on all associated Work Lines where Line Type = Routing.

Expected Routing Qty.

Sum of the Expected Quantity field on all associated Work Lines where Line Type = Routing.

Finished Cost

The total Cost of a Finished Work Order.

Finished Date

The date the Work Order is Finished.

Finished Qty.

The total Quantity produced on a Finished Work Order.

Finished Qty. Base

The Finished Quantity converted to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure.

Flushing Method

Determines when consumption/output are posted for the Work Order. Possible values: Backward, Forward, or Manual.

Formula Version

The Formula Version being used for the Work Order.

Input Bin

The Bin used to store components to be used for the Work Order.

Item Category

The Item Category for the Output Item. Defined on the Item record.

Keep Lines when Refresh

Indicates that you do not want to update the associated Work Lines for a Work Order when performing any task that would normally do so.

Lot Tracked

Indicates whether or not the Output Item is Lot Tracked. Defined on the Item record.

Material Variance

Material WIP – (Standard Material Cost * Finished Qty.)

Material WIP

Sum of the WIP field for all Work Lines where Item Type is Inventory.

No. of Lines

Total number of Work Lines.

Open Pick

The current open pick ticket created from the work order.

Output Bin

The Bin used to store Output Item(s) upon finishing the Work Order.

Output Item

The Item to be outputted upon finishing the Work Order. 

Pick Status

Automatically populated by GoldFinch with one of the following: None, Partial or Full.

Planned Qty.

The total number of Output Items planned for the Work Order.

Production Comment

Comment section for the Work Order.


The Project associated with the Work Order.

Qty Per Pallet

The Quantity of Output Items that can be stored on a pallet.  Defined on the Item record.

Qty. Base

The Quantity converted to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure.

Qty. Not Allocated

Populated only if Allocation is enabled for Work Order.


The total Quantity of the Output Item(s) to be produced.

Remaining Qty.

Quantity not yet produced.

Remaining Qty. Base

The Remaining Quantity converted to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure.

Report Output by Routing

If checked, an Output Journal is created for each Routing Steps, instead of for the Work Order.

Requisition Line

The Requisition Line associated with the Work Order.

Routing Version

The Routing Version being used for the Work Order.

Sales Line

The Sales Line associated with the Work Order.

Sales Order

The Sales Order associated with the Work Order.

Standard Capacity Cost

The total Cost of Work Lines for Inventory Items.

Standard Material Cost

The total Cost of Work Lines for Service Items.

Starting Date/Time

The starting date and time for the Work Order.

Total Qty Reported

Sum of Quantity on Daily Production records associated with the Work Order.

Total Qty. Not Picked

Sum of Qty. Not Picked for all formula work lines.

Total Remaining Qty. to Consume

Sum of Remaining Qty. for all formula work lines.

Unit Cost

The Unit Cost of the Output Item.

Unit of Measure

The Unit of Measure for the Output Item.


Finished Cost - Capacity WIP - Material WIP for Standard Cost Output Items.


The Warehouse where the Output Item is stored.

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