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Work Line

Field Label

Field Level Help

Allocated Qty.

Populated only if Allocation is enabled for Work Order.

Allocated Qty. Base

Populated only if Allocation is enabled for Work Order.

Allocation Status

Populated only if Allocation is enabled for Work Order.

Buy-from Vendor

Defaults from the Item.  To be used if purchasing an Item or a Service.

Catch Weight

If true, then the Item on this Work Line has the Catch Weight feature enabled.

Consumed Qty.

The Quantity that has already been consumed.

Consumed Qty. Base

Consumed Qty. converted to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure.


The conversion factor of the Unit of Measure on the Work Line to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure.


Line Item Description. Defaults from the Item record.

Document Status

The Document Status of the corresponding Work Order.

Due Date

The Due Date of the corresponding Work Order.

Due Date/Time

The due date and time for the Work Line.

Ending Date/Time

The ending date and time for the Work Line.

Expected Cost

Expected Qty. x Unit Cost

Expected Qty. Base

Expected Qty. converted to the Item’s base unit of measure.

Expected Quantity

The expected consumption quantity of the Line Item.

Indirect Cost

Expected Cost * Indirect Cost %

Indirect Cost %

Indirect Cost % copied from the work center item.

Input Bin

The Bin used to store component(s) to be used for the Work Line.


The component Item.

Item Formula

The Item Formula associated with the Item on this Work Line

Item Journal Line

The specific Item Journal Line associated with the Work Line.

Item Routing

The Item Routing used for the component.

Item Type

Defined on the Item record. Can be either Inventory or Service.

Line No.

Automatically assigned by GoldFinch. This field is incremented by one with each new Line.

Line Status

Automatically updated by GoldFinch. Possible values: Open, WIP, or Finished.

Line Type

Indicates if the component is the result of a Formula or a Routing.

Link to Operation No.

The Routing Operation No. linked to the Work Line.

Link to Routing

Lookup to another Work Line on the same Work Order, corresponding to the next step in the manufacturing process.

Lot Qty. Entered

Total Lot quantity entered on an Item Tracking Line.

Lot Qty. Not Entered

Total Lot quantity that has not yet been entered on an Item Tracking Line.

Lot Tracked

Indicates whether or not the Line Item is Lot Tracked. Defined on the Item record.

Next Operation

This field is linked to the Work Line that has the next routing step.

Not Picked Qty.

Quantity that has yet to be picked.

Not Picked Qty. Base

Not Picked Qty. converted to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure.

Operation No.

The Operation No. from the Item Routing for this component.

Output Qty. Registered

The sum of the output quantity from all Register Work records associated with this Work Line

Output Quantity

Output quantity posted of a routing step if the Work Order is set up to be Report Output by Routing.

Outside Service

Defaults from the Item. If checked, this component is an Outside Service Item and will need to be processed through a Requisition Worksheet.


If the Formula Management is ‘Percentage’, the % of the finished Item.

Picked Qty.

The Quantity that has already been picked.

Picked Qty. Base

Picked Qty. converted to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure.

Previous Operation

This field is linked to the Work Line that has the previous routing step.

Previous Operation Output Qty.

The Output Qty of the Work Line that has the previous routing step.

Previous Operation Status

The Status of the Work Line that has the previous routing step.

Purchase Line

The specific Purchase Line associated with the Work Line.

Purchasing Type

It defines the fulfillment method for the Work Line with these possible values: Inventory or Special Order. The default is Inventory.

Qty. Not Allocated

Remaining Qty. - Allocated Qty.

Qty. Not Allocated Base

Remaining Qty. Base - Allocated Qty. Base

Quantity Per

The number of components needed to produce one Output Item.

Remaining Qty.

The Quantity that has yet to be consumed.

Remaining Qty. Base

Remaining Qty. converted to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure.

Requisition Line

The Requisition Line associated with the Work Line.

Run Time Registered

The sum of the Run Time from all Register Work records associated with this Work Line

Scanned Qty.

The quantity scanned.

Scrap %

The % of scrap for the Item.

Scrap Qty. Registered

The sum of the Scrap Quantity from all Register Work records associated with this Work Line

Specific Cost

If checked, the component uses the Unit Cost entered on the Routing Line.

Starting Date/Time

The start date and time for the Work Line.

Unit Cost

The Unit Cost of the component.

Unit of Measure

The Unit of Measure for the component.


The Warehouse the component is to be picked from.


The value of the component in WIP.

Work Center

Indicates that the Item is a Work Center Item. Defined on the Item record.

Work Order

The Work Order No. associated with the Work Line.

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