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Work Center Capacity Planning

Capacity Planning is important to help you determine if there are enough resources available to meet your production needs. As your production requirements change, you will need to determine your capacity to optimize your production.

Set up Business Hours and Holidays

GoldFinch’s Capacity Planning feature uses the standard Salesforce Business Hours. From Setup, search for Business Hours in the Quick Find box, then select Business Hours.

Edit the default record and define the Time Zone, Business Hours, and Holidays.

  • The Calculate Capacity routine will use this setup to exclude weekends and holidays.

  • The Work Order will use this setup to calculate the Ending Date/Time on both the Work Order and Work Line

  • The Work Center Capacity Planning Workbench will use this setup to calculate the Ending Date/Time on both the Work Order and Work Lines.

Work Centers

Inside Work Centers are used in GoldFinch to calculate capacity. These work centers are set up as service items. The items are set up with the following information.

Item Type = Service

Work Center = True

Outside Service = False

Work Center (Inside) view

A Work Centers (Inside) view has been created in the Item list filtering on the above fields and values. This list can be used to view and modify the appropriate fields to be used in capacity planning.

Below is a list of fields in this view that will need to be updated manually:

  • Low-Level Code = the order of the routing steps (starting from 1, 2, 3….). This is used to sort Work Centers in the Work Center Capacity Planning Workbench (see below)

    • Note: GoldFinch does have a routine to Calculate Low-Level Code but this routine only updates Inventory items, not Service items. So the Service items need to be set up manually.

  • Hours Per Day = Default hours in a day that are available for the Work Center.

  • No. of Capacity = Number of machines in the Work Center with the same capacity.

  • Daily Capacity = This is a formula field that will calculate the Hours Per Day x No. of Capacity

  • Total Capacity = Total calculated capacity hours for the work center. See below Calculate Capacity to calculate.

  • Total Usage = Total calculated usage from the Released Work Orders. See below Work Center Capacity Planning Workbench.

  • Total Remaining = This is a formula field that will calculate the Total Capacity - Total Usage

Calculate Capacity

This function will calculate the capacity hours for the work centers based on the information previously provided and will create Work Center Capacity entries. These entries will be used when running the Planning Workbench.

From the Items list, click on the Work Center (Inside) view to show all work center service items. Then click on the Calculate Capacity button. Enter the number of Days you will be calculating and define the Start Date.

  • This routine uses the default Business Hours that have been set up to exclude weekends and holidays.

  • This routine uses the default daily capacity on the Item card, regardless of the start time and end time of the Business Hours setup.

View Work Center Capacities

From the GoldFinch Manufacturing app, you will find Work Center Capacities.

These entries have been created from the Calculate Capacity function and will show the following information.

  • Capacity

  • Usage

  • Remaining = Capacity - Usage

  • Unavailable Reason

If one of the work centers becomes unavailable for some reason, maintenance, for example, it’s possible to exclude certain dates from the capacity calculation by entering a value in the Unavailable field.

Planning Workbench

The planning workbench is used to show the capacity of the work centers and allow the user to adjust the Work Line accordingly.

From the Work Center Capacities, click on the Planning Workbench button.

Calculate Usage

This function will populate the bottom half of the page with work order and work center data.

Enter the Warehouse you will be planning for.

The Start Date will default to today’s date.

The Days to calculate will default to 14 but can be changed.

Click the Calculate Usage button.

The data will be populated using the following:

  1. Calculate Usage assumes the Units of Measure of the Routings are all in Hours.

  2. If the Starting Date/Time of a Work Line is before today’s date, the data will be populated using today’s date.

  3. If the Starting Date = the Ending Date on a Work Line, the Workbench uses the Remaining Qty. on the Work Line as Usage.

  4. If the Starting Date < the Ending Date on a Work Line, the Workbench uses the Office Hours from the Company Setup to calculate the daily usage for each Work date.

  5. The user that runs the Calculate Usage function must have the same Time Zone as the default Organization Business Hours.


The Overview will show the Work Centers' capacity

Green = within the capacity

Orange = over the capacity

Holidays and weekends are greyed out.

Work Centers

The Work Centers will show the Work Order lines by work center.

If work orders need to be rescheduled, you can do that here but either dragging and dropping to the correct date or by editing the entry.

Once all changes have been made, click the Commit Changes button to update the work order lines.

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