Whse Shipment Line
Field Label | Field Level Help |
Applied to ILE | Reference to the Item Ledger Entry applied to the shipment line. |
Back Order Qty. | The calculated Outstanding Qty. from the linked sales line. |
Bin | The Bin the item will be shipped from for a sales order or returned to for a return order. |
Bin Content | Default Bin Content code for items that are not Lot tracked. |
Catch Weight | If the item is a catch weight item this field will be checked. Defaults from the item. |
Comment | Used by Scan Ship program. |
Conversion | The conversion factor of the unit of measure on the shipment line to the item’s base unit of measure. |
Currency Factor | The conversion factor from the Currency on the Whse Shipment Line to the |
Customer PO No. | External reference number used by the Customer that placed the order being shipped. |
Description | Detailed information copied from the sales line. |
GL Line Cost | Line Cost if Currency Factor = 0; Line Cost * (1/Currency Factor), otherwise |
Invoiced Qty. | Quantity invoiced for the shipment line. |
Invoiced Qty. Base | Quantity invoiced for the shipment line converted to the item’s base unit of measure. |
Item | The inventory item shipping. |
Item Barcode | Barcode of the item. |
Item Type | Default from the item with two possible values: Item or Service. |
Line Cost | Unit Cost * Quantity |
Line No. | GoldFinch populates this field incrementing by one. |
Line Pallet | ABS(Quantity) * Unit Pallet |
Line Volume | Unit Volume * Quantity |
Line Weight | Unit Weight * Quantity |
Lot Qty. Entered | Total Lot quantity entered on Item Tracking Lines for the shipment line. |
Lot Qty. Not Entered | Quantity – Lot Qty. Entered. |
Lot Tracked | If checked, the lot number for the item must be entered when processing the shipment. |
Not Invoiced Qty. | Quantity – Qty. Invoiced. |
Not Invoiced Qty. Base | Not Invoiced Qty. converted to the item’s base unit of measure. |
Not Packed Qty. | Quantity - Packed Qty. |
Not Picked Qty. | Quantity – Picked Qty. |
Not Picked Qty. Base | Not Picked Qty. converted to the item’s base unit of measure. |
Packed Qty. | Total number of Items that have been packed for shipment. |
Picked Qty. | Quantity picked from the associated picking tickets. |
Picked Qty. Base | Picked Quantity converted to the item’s base unit of measure. |
Purchasing Type | This field defines the fulfillment method of a sales line from either existing inventory, create a special order or a drop ship purchase order. |
Qty. Base | Quantity converted to the item’s base unit of measure. |
Quantity | Quantity being shipped. |
Sales Line | The Sales Line that is linked to the Warehouse Shipment Line. |
Sales Order | The Sales Order that is linked to the Warehouse Shipment Line. |
Scanned | The total quantity scanned when using the Scan Ship mobile app. |
Sell-to Customer | The customer who placed the order. Copied from the linked Whse. Shipment. |
Serial Qty. Entered | Total Serial quantity entered on Item Tracking Lines for the shipment line. |
Serial Qty. Not Entered | Quantity – Serial Qty. Entered |
Serial Tracked | If the item requires serial number tracking, this field will be checked. |
Shipment | The linked Whse. Shipment number. |
Transfer Line | If the Whse. Shipment Line was created from a transfer order, the linked transfer line will be displayed. |
Transfer to Bin | Defaults to the In-Transit Warehouse Receipt Bin for a shipment line created from a transfer order. |
Transfer to Bin Content | Default Bin Content code for items that are not Lot tracked for a shipment line created from a transfer order. |
Transfer to Warehouse | Defaults to the In-Transit Warehouse for a shipment line created form a transfer order. |
Unit Cost | The Unit Cost of the item. |
Unit of Measure | The unit of measure for the item shipping. |
Unit Pallet | The storage capacity of the pallet being used. |
Unit Volume | Cubage from the item's unit of measure. |
Unit Weight | Weight from the item’s unit of measure. |
Warehouse | The Warehouse where the Items will ship from. The value is copied from the Whse Shipment header. |