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Whse Shipment

Field Label

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856 EDI Generated

Used for EDI shipments and is populated by the EDI Software Partner.

856 EDI Generated Date

Used for EDI shipments and is populated by the EDI Software Partner.

940 EDI Generated

Used for EDI shipments and is populated by the EDI Software Partner.

940 EDI Generated Date

Used for EDI shipments and is populated by the EDI Software Partner.

945 EDI BOL No.

The Bill of Lading Number on the 945 EDI document corresponding to the Whse Shipment Record..

945 EDI Generated

Used for EDI shipments and is populated by the EDI Software Partner.

945 EDI Generated Date

Used for EDI shipments and is populated by the EDI Software Partner.


The SCAC Code on the 945 EDI document corresponding to the Whse Shipment Record.

Actual Delivery Date

The actual date delivered to the ship-to address

Actual Shipment Date

The Actual Shipment Date from the warehouse.

Alternate Shipping

To be used if the ship-to address is different from the Bill-to address.

Assigned User

Used in Scan Ship function.

Assignment Date/Time

Populated automatically when the Shipment is assigned to a user.

Batch Post Error

Text area that provides information for why a particular Whse Shipment was not able to be posted.

Batch Post Status

The Status of an attempted bath post. Possible values: Completed, Failed, or Processing.


Link to the Bill of Lading no. created from the shipment.

Combined Shipment

If checked, the Warehouse Shipment was created by combining multiple Sales Orders.

Currency Code

The currency used for this shipment.

Currency Factor

The Currency Factor used for this shipment.

Customer PO No.

A Reference No. from Customer for the Sales Order. 


Additional information about the shipment can be entered here.

Document Status

GoldFinch updates this field automatically with the values:  Open, Picked Created, Posted, Partially Invoiced or Fully Invoiced.

Drop Shipment

If field is checked, it specifies that it’s a drop shipment.  Drop shipments are created automatically when drop ship Whse. Receipts are posted.

EDI Order

Defines if the order is an EDI order.  Copied from the linked sales order.

Freight Amount

Entered manually or populated by a 3rd party shipping system, such as Zenkraft.

GL Ledger

GL Ledger for the transaction. Default is blank.

Import Shipment

The Import Shipment Record corresponding to the Whse Shipment.

Is Residence

A check in this field signifies the shipping address is a residential address. Copied from the linked sales order.

No. of Lines

The total number of Whse Shipment Lines in this Whse Shipment

Order Source

Defines how the order was entered.  Copied from the linked sales order.

Packaging Type

Defines the Type of Packaging for the order that can be used with integrated shipping systems such as Zenkraft. Copied from the linked sales order.

Pallets Override

User-specified number of pallets for a Whse Shipment that can be used in place of the system-calculated Total Pallet field.

Posting Date

The date the shipment is posted.

Ready to Send 856

If checked, the Advanced Shipping Notice EDI can be created.

Ready to Send 940

Checked by users manually to define the 940 information is accurate and ready to send.

Requested Delivery Date

The expected date the customer will receive the shipment. Copied from the linked sales order or transfer order.

Requested Shipment Date

The date the good will be shipped from the warehouse.  Copied from the linked sales order or transfer order.

Return Order

 If checked, the order converts to an RMA and all quantities on the shipment line must be negative.  Copied from the linked sales order.

Sales Order

The sales order linked with the shipment.

Scan Status

Populates automatically based on the Total Quantity and the Total Scanned.  Three options, Complete, Partial, None

Sell-to Customer

Customer who placed the order. Copied from the linked sales order.

Shipment Bar Code

Barcode for the Shipment No.

Shipping Agent

The shipping agent to use when shipping the goods. Copied from the linked sales order or transfer order.

Shipping Agent Service

The service to use when shipping the goods. Copied from the linked sales order or transfer order.

Shipping City

The city where the goods will be sent.  Copied from the linked sales order or transfer order.

Shipping Contact

The contact to whom the goods will be sent.  Copied from the linked sales order or transfer order.

Shipping Country

The country where the goods will be sent.  Copied from the linked sales order or transfer order.

Shipping Payment Type

The shipping payment type to use when shipping the goods.  Copied from the linked sales order.

Shipping Postal Code

The postal code where the goods will be sent.  Copied from the linked sales order or transfer order.

Shipping State

The state where the goods will be sent.  Copied from the linked sales order or transfer order.

Shipping Street

The street where the goods will be sent.  Copied from the linked sales order or transfer order.

Shipping Term

Incoterm of the Shipment. Usually defined on the Sales Order.


Used to group shipments.  Copied from the linked sales order.

Total Boxes

Total quantity from all shipment lines.

Total Boxes Override

Enter if the total boxes are different from the calculated Total Boxes field.

Total Cost

Total cost of all shipment lines.

Total Invoiced Qty.

Total quantity invoiced from all shipment lines.

Total Not Invoiced Qty.

Total quantity not invoiced from all shipment lines.

Total Pallet

Enter the total pallets of the shipment to print on the Packing List. 

Total Picked Qty.

Total quantity picked from all shipment lines.

Total Quantity

Total quantity from all shipment lines.

Total Scanned

Total scanned quantity from all shipment lines.

Total Volume

Total volume from all shipment lines.

Total Weight

Total weight from all shipment lines.

Tracking Numbers

Entered manually or populated by a 3rd party shipping system such as Zenkraft.

Transfer Order

The transfer order linked with the shipment if the shipment was created from a transfer order.

Transfer to Warehouse

If the shipment was created from a transfer order, the Transfer to Warehouse will be copied from linked Transfer Order.

Transportation Method

The transportation method to use when shipping the goods.  Copied from the linked sales order.


The warehouse where the items on the shipment will ship from.  Copied from the linked sales order or transfer order.

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