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Whse Receipt Line

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Default Receipt Bin for a Purchase Order or the default Return Bin for a Return Order.

Bin Content

Bin Content to be used for items that are not Lot tracked.

Buy-from Vendor

The Account entered on the Purchase Order. Defaults from Warehouse Receipt.

Catch Weight

Signifies that the received Item is a Catch Weight Item. Defined on the Item record.


The conversion factor of the Unit of Measure on the Receipt Line to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure.

Currency Decimals

Number of decimals used in the Currency on Purchase Line. The default is 2.

Currency Factor

The conversion factor of the purchase currency to the Default Currency defined on the Company Setup.


Description of the Item. Defined on the Item record.


The discount amount for the Line Item. Copied from the linked Purchase Line.

Discount %

The discount percent for the Line Item. Copied from the linked Purchase Line.

Expected Receipt Date

The Expected Receipt Date as defined on the Warehouse Receipt.

GL Line Cost

Line Cost / Currency Factor

GL Line Cost Incl Landed Costs

(Line Cost + Landed Cost) / Currency Factor

Invoiced Qty.

The quantity invoiced for the Receipt Line.

Invoiced Qty. Base

Invoiced Qty. converted to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure.


The Item being received.

Item Journal

The Item Journal that is linked to this Whse Receipt Line

Item Type

Defined on the Item record. Can be either Item or Service.

Landed Cost 1

Accrued Landed Cost 1. Based on Landed Cost 1 % defined on Item record. 

Landed Cost 2

Accrued Landed Cost 2. Based on Landed Cost 2 % defined on Item record. 

Landed Cost 3

Accrued Landed Cost 3. Based on Landed Cost 3 % defined on Item record. 

Landed Cost 4

Accrued Landed Cost 4. Based on Landed Cost 4 % defined on Item record. 

Landed Cost 5

Accrued Landed Cost 5. Based on Landed Cost 5 % defined on Item record. 

Line Cost

Unit Cost * Quantity

Line Cost Incl. Landed Costs

Line Cost + Landed Cost 1 + Landed Cost 2 + ... + Landed Cost 5. Used for posting Expected Cost.

Line No.

Automatically assigned by GoldFinch. This field is incremented by one with each new Line.

Line Pallet

ABS(Quantity) * Unit Pallet

Line Volume

Unit Volume * Quantity

Line Weight

Unit Weight * Quantity

Lot Qty. Entered

Total Lot Qty. entered on Tracking Lines for the Receipt Line.

Lot Qty. Not Entered

Quantity – Lot Qty. Entered

Lot Tracked

Specifies if the Item is Lot Tracked. Defined on the Item record. 

Not Invoiced Qty.

Quantity – Invoiced Qty

Not Invoiced Qty. Base

Not Invoiced Qty. converted to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure.

Not Put-away Qty

Quantity – Put-away Qty

Not Put-away Qty Base

Not Put-away Qty. converted to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure.

Outside Service

Specifies that the Item purchased is from an Outside Service to be used on a Work Order. Defined on the Item record.

Outstanding Qty.

Quantity that has not been received.

Purchase Line

The corresponding Purchase Order Line.

Purchasing Type

Defines the type of purchase for the Item. Inventory, Special Order, or Drop Ship. Copied from the Purchase Line.

Putaway Qty

Defaults to the Quantity on the Purchase Order or 0 for a Return Order.

Putaway Qty Base

Put-away Qty. converted to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure.

Qty. Base

The Quantity on the Whse. Receipt Line converted to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure.

Qty. to Invoice

Total quantity of the Line Item to be invoiced. Used in the Get Receipt Lines function on a Purchase Invoice.


The quantity being received.


The number of the Whse. Receipt record.

Serial Qty. Entered

The total number of serialized Items entered on the Tracking Lines for the Receipt Line.

Serial Qty. Not Entered

Quantity – Serial Qty. Entered

Serial Tracked

Indicates whether or not the Item is tracked using serial numbers. Defined on the Item record. 

Transfer From Bin

The default Ship Bin of the Warehouse that the received Item is being transferred from.

Transfer From Bin Content

The Bin Content record detailing the placement of the received Item prior to transfer.

Transfer From Warehouse

The Warehouse that the received Item is being transferred from.

Transfer Line

The corresponding line on the Transfer Order associated with the receipt.

Unit Cost

The Unit Cost to be invoiced. Copied from the linked Purchase Line.

Unit of Measure

The Purchase Unit of Measure as defined on the Item.

Unit Pallet

The storage capacity of the pallet being used.

Unit Volume

Cubage from the item's unit of measure.

Unit Weight

Weight from the item’s unit of measure.


The receiving Warehouse. Copied from the linked Purchase Line.

Work Center

Signifies that an Outside Service being purchased is a Work Center. Defined on the Item and copied from the linked Purchase Line.

Work Line

The corresponding line on the Work Order associated with the purchase. Copied from the linked Purchase Line.

Work Order

The Work Order associated with the purchase. Copied from the linked Purchase Line.

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