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Whse Receipt

Field Label

Field Level Help

Actual Receipt Date

The actual date of receipt.

Alternate Shipping

The alternate shipping address to be used for the Account. 

Buy-from Vendor

The vendor selling the received Item(s).

Currency Code

The Currency defined on the Purchase Order.

Currency Factor

The conversion factor of the purchase currency to the Default Currency defined on the Company Setup.


Additional information about the Receipt can be entered here.

Document Status

Automatically populated by GoldFinch with one of the following: Open, Posted, Partially Invoiced, or Fully Invoiced.

Drop Shipment

Indicates that the receipt is linked to a Drop Shipment Purchase Order.

Expected Receipt Date

The expected date of receipt.

GL Ledger

GL Ledger for the transaction. Default is blank.

GL Total Cost

Sum of the GL Line Cost field for all Whse. Receipt Lines.

GL Total Cost Incl. Landed Costs

Sum of the GL Line Cost Incl. Landed Cost field for all Whse. Receipt Lines.

Import Receipt

The Import Receipt record associated with the Whse Receipt.

Is Outside Service

If checked, the Whse Receipt is set up for advanced outside service management.

No. of Lines

The total number of lines from all Whse. receipt lines.

Posting Date

The date the receipt is posted.

Purchase Order

The Purchase Order associated with the Warehouse Receipt.

Purchasing Type

Defines the type of purchase for the Item. Inventory, Special Order, or Drop Ship. Copied from the Purchase Line.

Put-away Needed

Indicates that received Items require a Put-away to be generated.

Return Order

Indicates that the receipt is a return for a previously shipped Sales Order.

Sell-to Customer

The Account that purchased the goods being received.

Shipping Agent

The name of the courier used for the shipment.

Shipping City

The city being shipped to.

Shipping Contact

The name of the Contact at the shipping address.

Shipping Country

The country being shipped to.

Shipping Postal Code

The postal code of the street address being shipped to.

Shipping State

The state being shipped to.

Shipping Street

The street address being shipped to.

Shipping Term

Incoterm defined for the Whse. Receipt


Used to group warehouse receipts.   Copied from the linked purchase order.

Total Cost

The total cost of all Warehouse Receipt Lines.

Total Cost Incl. Landed Costs

Sum of the Line Cost Incl. Landed Cost field for all Whse. Receipt Lines.

Total Invoiced Qty.

The total quantity that has been invoiced for all Whse. Receipt Lines.

Total Not Invoiced Qty.

The total quantity that has not been invoiced for all Whse. Receipt Lines.

Total Pallet

Sum of the Line Pallet field on all associated Whse Receipt Lines.

Total Putaway Qty

The total put-away quantity for all Whse. Receipt Lines.

Total Quantity

The total quantity of all Whse. Receipt Lines.

Total Volume

Sum of the Line Volume field on all associated Whse Receipt Lines.

Total Weight

Sum of the Line Weight field on all associated Whse Receipt Lines.

Transfer From Warehouse

The Warehouse that the received Item is being transferred from.

Transfer Order

The Transfer Order associated with the Whse. Receipt.


The receiving Warehouse.

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