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Whse Activity

Field Label

Field Level Help


The Account associated with the Whse. Activity.

Assigned User

The User assigned to handle the Whse. Activity.

Assignment Date/Time

The date/time of assignment of the Whse. Activity.


The Description of the Whse. Activity.

Document Status

Either Open or Posted.

Entry Type

Defines the type of Warehouse Activity. Possible values: Pick, Put-away, Movement, or Breakbulk.

Linked to Wave Pick

The Whse. Activity No. of the Wave Pick associated with this Whse. Activity.

No. of Lines

Total number of Whse. Activity Lines.

Posting Date

The Posting Date of the Whse. Activity.


Either Low, Medium, High, or Urgent.

Purchase Order

The Purchase Order associated with the Whse. Activity.

Sales Order

The Sales Order associated with the Whse. Activity.

Scan Status

Automatically calculated by GoldFinch based on number of Items scanned relative to the number on the Whse Activity. Possible values: Completed, Partial, or None.

Shipment Date

The Shipment Date associated with the Whse. Activity.

Total Quantity

Sum of the Quantity field on all associated Whse Activity Lines.

Total Scanned

Sum of the Scanned field on all associated Whse Activity Lines.

Transfer Order

The Transfer Order associated with the Whse. Activity.


The Warehouse where the Whse. Activity is taking place.

Wave Pick

Indicated whether the Whse. Activity is a Wave Pick.

Whse Receipt

The Whse. Receipt associated with the Whse. Activity.

Whse Shipment

The Whse. Shipment associated with the Whse. Activity.

Work Order

The Work Order associated with the Whse. Activity.

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