Whse Activity
Field Label | Field Level Help |
Account | The Account associated with the Whse. Activity. |
Assigned User | The User assigned to handle the Whse. Activity. |
Assignment Date/Time | The date/time of assignment of the Whse. Activity. |
Description | The Description of the Whse. Activity. |
Document Status | Either Open or Posted. |
Entry Type | Defines the type of Warehouse Activity. Possible values: Pick, Put-away, Movement, or Breakbulk. |
Linked to Wave Pick | The Whse. Activity No. of the Wave Pick associated with this Whse. Activity. |
No. of Lines | Total number of Whse. Activity Lines. |
Posting Date | The Posting Date of the Whse. Activity. |
Priority | Either Low, Medium, High, or Urgent. |
Purchase Order | The Purchase Order associated with the Whse. Activity. |
Sales Order | The Sales Order associated with the Whse. Activity. |
Scan Status | Automatically calculated by GoldFinch based on number of Items scanned relative to the number on the Whse Activity. Possible values: Completed, Partial, or None. |
Shipment Date | The Shipment Date associated with the Whse. Activity. |
Total Quantity | Sum of the Quantity field on all associated Whse Activity Lines. |
Total Scanned | Sum of the Scanned field on all associated Whse Activity Lines. |
Transfer Order | The Transfer Order associated with the Whse. Activity. |
Warehouse | The Warehouse where the Whse. Activity is taking place. |
Wave Pick | Indicated whether the Whse. Activity is a Wave Pick. |
Whse Receipt | The Whse. Receipt associated with the Whse. Activity. |
Whse Shipment | The Whse. Shipment associated with the Whse. Activity. |
Work Order | The Work Order associated with the Whse. Activity. |