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Warehouse Entry

Field Label

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Activity Type

The Warehouse Activity Type of the entry. Possible values: Shipment, Receipt, Pick, Put-away, Movement, Adjustment, Production, Breakbulk, or Sales Invoice.


The Bin adjusted as a result of the Warehouse Entry.

Bin Content

The Bin Content record associated with the entry.


The conversion factor of the Unit of Measure on the Warehouse Entry to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure.


Indicates if the entry is a Correction.


The Warehouse Entry Description.

Document No.

The Document No. associated with the Warehouse Entry.


The Item associated with the Warehouse Entry.

Item Journal

The Item Journal that generated the Warehouse Entry.

Item Journal Line

The specific Item Journal Line that generated the Warehouse Entry.

Item Lot

The Lot No. of the Item associated with the Warehouse Entry.

Posting Date

The Posting Date of the Warehouse Entry.

Qty. Base

Quantity converted to the Item's Base Unit of Measure.


The original Quantity of the Warehouse Entry.

Sales Invoice

The Sales Invoice associated with the Warehouse Entry.

Sales Invoice Line

The specific Sales Invoice Line associated with the Warehouse Entry.

Sales Line

The specific Sales Line associated with the Warehouse Entry.

Sales Order

The Sales Order No. associated with the Warehouse Entry.

Serial No.

The Serial No. of the Item associated with the Warehouse Entry.

Unit of Measure

The original transaction Unit of Measure.


The Warehouse adjusted as a result of the Warehouse Entry.

Whse Activity

The Warehouse Activity No. associated with the Warehouse Entry.

Whse Activity Line

The specific Warehouse Activity Line associated with the Warehouse Entry.

Whse Receipt

The Whse. Receipt No. associated with the Warehouse Entry.

Whse Receipt Line

The specific Whse. Receipt Line associated with the Warehouse Entry.

Whse Shipment

The Whse. Shipment No. associated with the Warehouse Entry.

Whse Shipment Line

The specific Whse. Shipment Line associated with the Warehouse Entry.

Work Line

The specific Work Line associated with the Warehouse Entry.

Work Order

The Work Order No. associated with the Warehouse Entry.

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