Warehouse Entry
Field Label | Field Level Help |
Activity Type | The Warehouse Activity Type of the entry. Possible values: Shipment, Receipt, Pick, Put-away, Movement, Adjustment, Production, Breakbulk, or Sales Invoice. |
Bin | The Bin adjusted as a result of the Warehouse Entry. |
Bin Content | The Bin Content record associated with the entry. |
Conversion | The conversion factor of the Unit of Measure on the Warehouse Entry to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure. |
Correction | Indicates if the entry is a Correction. |
Description | The Warehouse Entry Description. |
Document No. | The Document No. associated with the Warehouse Entry. |
Item | The Item associated with the Warehouse Entry. |
Item Journal | The Item Journal that generated the Warehouse Entry. |
Item Journal Line | The specific Item Journal Line that generated the Warehouse Entry. |
Item Lot | The Lot No. of the Item associated with the Warehouse Entry. |
Posting Date | The Posting Date of the Warehouse Entry. |
Qty. Base | Quantity converted to the Item's Base Unit of Measure. |
Quantity | The original Quantity of the Warehouse Entry. |
Sales Invoice | The Sales Invoice associated with the Warehouse Entry. |
Sales Invoice Line | The specific Sales Invoice Line associated with the Warehouse Entry. |
Sales Line | The specific Sales Line associated with the Warehouse Entry. |
Sales Order | The Sales Order No. associated with the Warehouse Entry. |
Serial No. | The Serial No. of the Item associated with the Warehouse Entry. |
Unit of Measure | The original transaction Unit of Measure. |
Warehouse | The Warehouse adjusted as a result of the Warehouse Entry. |
Whse Activity | The Warehouse Activity No. associated with the Warehouse Entry. |
Whse Activity Line | The specific Warehouse Activity Line associated with the Warehouse Entry. |
Whse Receipt | The Whse. Receipt No. associated with the Warehouse Entry. |
Whse Receipt Line | The specific Whse. Receipt Line associated with the Warehouse Entry. |
Whse Shipment | The Whse. Shipment No. associated with the Warehouse Entry. |
Whse Shipment Line | The specific Whse. Shipment Line associated with the Warehouse Entry. |
Work Line | The specific Work Line associated with the Warehouse Entry. |
Work Order | The Work Order No. associated with the Warehouse Entry. |