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Vendor Payment Batch


Vendor Payment Batch is used to organize Vendor Payments for more efficient payment processing.


You can create Vendor Payment Batches manually, or let GoldFinch automatically create them when Vendor Payments are created.

All Vendor Payments must be associated with a Vendor Payment Batch with the same Bank Account, Currency Code, and GL Ledger.

From the Vendor Payment Batch, you can perform the following functions:

  • Print Checks for Vendor Payments

  • Print Full Remittance for Vendor Payments.

  • Void Checks for all Vendor Payments

  • Batch Post Vendor Payments on the Vendor Payment Batch page.

  • Batch Post Vendor Payments on the Vendor Payment Batch list.

Mass Edit Vendor Payments on Vendor Payment Batch

Click the Edit button on Vendor Payment Batch.


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