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Vendor Detailed Entry-

Field Label

Field Level Help

Application Amount


Application Date


Application GL Amount


Application No.


Applied from VLE

The Vendor Ledger Entry associated with the Vendor Detailed Entry.

Applied From VP

The Vendor Payment associated with the Vendor Detailed Entry.


Indicates if there has been a correction on the Vendor Detailed Entry.

Currency Code

The Currency Code from the Vendor Ledger Entry.

Document No

Document Type

Indicates the type of Vendor Detailed Entry. Either Invoice, Payment, Cr. Memo, or Refund.

Due Date

The Due Date from the Vendor Ledger Entry.

Entry Type

The Entry Type of the Vendor Detailed Entry. Either Initial Entry, Application, Payment Discount, Gain/Loss, or Rounding.

GL Ledger

The GL Ledger associated with the Vendor Detailed Entry.

Purchase Invoice

The Purchase Invoice associated with the Vendor Detailed Entry.

Vendor Account

The Vendor Account associated with the Vendor Detailed Entry.

Vendor Ledger Entry

The Vendor Ledger Entry associated with the Vendor Detailed Entry.

Vendor Payment

The Vendor Payment associated with the Vendor Detailed Entry.

VLE Amount

The Amount from the Vendor Ledger Entry.

VLE Document No

The Document No. from the Vendor Ledger Entry.

VLE Document Type

The Document Type from the Vendor Ledger Entry.

zzzApplication GL Amount

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