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Using the Shopify Interface


GoldFinch Shopify Integration Module can be used to upload items and download orders.

Shopify Tab

Navigate to the Shopify tab from the Salesforce App Launcher. There are 3 tabs listed there to help you manage your products and orders.

Upload GoldFinch Items

Most companies choose to set up new products in Shopify. You can bypass this section if you choose to set up new products directly in Shopify.

Alternatively, you can upload new items from GoldFinch. Once an item is uploaded to Shopify, it will not appear in the GoldFinch Items list anymore.  You can see them in the Shopify Products list.

Item No. will be used as SKU in Shopify.

Click on the Upload GoldFinch Items tab. You will see all GoldFinch items that are not uploaded to Shopify.

  1. Select the items to be uploaded.

  2. Select one of the following types of upload:

    1. Single - Creates one product for each of the selected items with the Sales UOM as the default variant.

    2. Group - Creates one product for the group of selected items, where each product will be configured in Shopify as a variant.

    3. UOM as Variant - Creates one product for each of the selected items, where each Item UOM will be uploaded as a variant.

  3. Click Upload.

  4. A preview will pop up before submitting for Group upload. You can update details such as SKU, UPC, Product Title, Variant Name, Pricing, Weight, Vendor Name, and Images (if any) from the GoldFinch Item page.

  5. You will see a Success message after you successfully upload the items.

Shopify Products

This tab shows the GoldFinch Items that are uploaded to Shopify.

  1. Click to expand the item to view variant details in the online store.

  2. Click to view it on the store site.

  3. Remove the selection in the Is Online checkbox to remove the item from being displayed in the online store.

  4. Click on the pencil icon to the right of the Price field to change the unit price.

Shopify Orders

This tab shows the list of Shopify Orders. Execute the following to manage your orders shown on this page:  

  1. Select the orders to be managed.

  2. Click to expand an order to view the details.

  3. Select All, Pending, Downloaded, or Pending Fulfillment to filter the respective orders.

  4. You can execute the following on orders (see the section below for more details):

    1. Download

    2. Create Order

    3. Fulfilled

  5. Import Order # column - After downloading the order, click the order number in this column to view the Imported Sales Order detail page.

  6. Sales Order # column - After creating the Sales Order in GoldFinch, click the order number in this column to view the Sales Order detail page.

Download Sales Orders

A Sales Order will be created for an individual customer account or for a generic default customer account (for example, Shopify Customer).

  1. In the Shopify Orders tab, select Pending to list the Shopify orders that have not been downloaded to GoldFinch.

    1. If One Customer checkbox is not selected, the Shopify E-commerce Customer ID will be saved to the Import Sales Order object, which can be used to determine the individual customer account for the order. 

    2. If One Customer checkbox is selected, the Shopify E-commerce Customer ID will not be saved to the Import Sales Order object. Instead, the default Customer Name is saved to the Import Sales Order table.

Create Sales Orders

After downloading orders from Shopify into GoldFinch, the Sales Orders must be created in GoldFinch.  

  1. In the Shopify Order tab, select Downloaded to list all orders that are downloaded into GoldFinch. Sales Orders are not created for these orders. 

  2. Select the required orders to create Sales Orders, and then click Create Order.

  3. When the orders are being created, GoldFinch uses the following to determine if a new Person account or Contact must be created and to define the Customer and Contact to create the Sales Order.

    1. A non-zero "0" E-commerce Customer ID and Contact Email will be used to search for the B2B account. 

    2. If no B2B account is found, the Contact Email will be used to search for a Person account. A new person account will be created if no account is found.
      Note - For B2B customers, you must search for the correct E-commerce Customer ID from Shopify and provide it on the Account, or Contact Email on Contact before go-live.

Fulfill Sales Orders

After shipping the Shopify Sales Orders, you can mark the respective Shopify Orders as Fulfilled.

  1. In the Shopify Order tab, select Pending Fulfillment to list the Sales Orders that are created in GoldFinch.

  2. Select the orders to be marked as fulfilled and then click Fulfill.

  3. GoldFinch sends information to Shopify to mark these orders as Fulfilled in Shopify.

Download Orders Automatically

In the GoldFinch Shopify tab, click Shopify Orders. Use the slider to turn on or off the Job Scheduler to download the Shopify orders automatically. 

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