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Update Demand Planning Setup


The Demand Planning Setup enables you to configure how the supply plan should operate. During installation, a default setup record is automatically created. Below are the key fields you should understand when setting up demand planning:

Key Fields in Demand Planning Setup

  • Inventory Period Type
    Specify whether you want to plan by week or by month.

  • Periods to Run Supply Plan
    Define the maximum period for the supply plan, limited to 12 months or 52 weeks.

  • Periods to Forecast
    Enter the number of future periods for planning. Your choice in the Inventory Period Type field (week or month) will determine the forecast duration. You can plan up to a maximum of 12 months or 52 weeks.

  • Periods to Re-Forecast
    Input the number of past periods to recalculate forecasts. Active forecast models will compare with actual data to identify the best-fit model for each SKU. You can re-forecast up to 12 months or 52 weeks.

  • Usage Start Date
    The Item Ledger Entry start date, used to calculate item usage.

  • Forecast Accuracy Calculation Method
    Choose between two methods:

    • MAD (Mean Absolute Deviation)

    • MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error)

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