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True Commerce EDI File Import/Export


True Commerce offers a cost-effective EDI solution. They charge a fixed fee for each import and export template, regardless of the number of trading partners you have.

Importing EDI 850 

Work with True Commerce on an exported .CSV file. See the following for a sample.

EDI 850 Template with Sample Data 032023.csv

Most likely, your csv file from True Commerce is slightly different. GoldFinch can help you customize our import routine to accommodate your file.

To import the a .CSV file, go to the GoldFinch Conversion app, and execute the following:

  1. In the Import True Commerce Orders tab, click Import CSV.

  2. Click Choose File to select the .CSV file, and then click Upload File.

  3. After importing the .CSV file, go to the Import EDI Sales Order list. 

  4. Click the Not Processed view, and then click Create Sales Order.

  5. The Create Sales Orders routine verifies all the errors.

    1. Customer Name must exist in the Account table.

    2. Carrier Name must exist in Shipping Agent table.

    3. Item No. (using Status field) must exist in the Item table.

    4. Item Unit of Measure (using Bill To Name field) must exist in the Item Unit of Measure table.

    5. The routine does not check Alternate Shipping.

    6. The routine verifies duplicate PO Number in the current batch. It does not verify duplicate PO Numbers against the previous batches or existing sales order.

  6.  The Create Sales Orders routine starts creating sales orders when all errors are rectified.

    When creating sales orders:

    1. The routine retrieves Sales Prices and Line Discount % from the configuration.

    2. The EDI Unit Prices and EDI Discount % are updated in two separate fields and the EDI Line Amount and Line Amount are compared. 

      1. If the values are different, EDI Price Discrepancy field on the Sales Line is checked. 

      2. Sales orders with No. of EDI Price Discrepancies greater than 0 must be reviewed before creating Whse. Shipments.

Exporting EDI 810 

  1. After creating and posting EDI invoices, click EDI Invoices 810 Not Created view, select the invoices to be exported, and then click Generate XML.

    1. You must work with True Commerce on the XML file format first.

    2. Then contact GoldFinch to add Generate XML button and related code to your instance.

  1. Click Step 1- General XML Document to generate an XML file for the selected sales invoices. 

    The routine checks the following for these documents:

    1. Must be posted document.

    2. Must not be a credit memo.

    3. Shipment field must not be blank.

    4. Must be an EDI Invoice.

    5. EDI Invoice Generated must not be checked.

    The XML file will be downloaded to your local folder if there are no errors. 
    Sales Invoice Sample.xml is a sample file format. 

  2. After downloading the XML file, click Step 2- Update EDI invoices Generated Fields to select the EDI Invoice Generated field, and provide the current date in EDI Invoice Generate Date

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