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QBO Troubleshooting

Errors when syncing Invoices:

Message: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id a194P00000EGP5oQAH; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, QuickBooks Id cannot be blank if the sales invoice is sync'd with QuickBooks

Locate the Sales Invoice with the problem - a more specific error message will appear when trying to sync this invoice manually - message:  The document exists in Quickbooks. Close the sync flag.

The invoice was most likely created manually in QuickBooks Online.  Delete the invoice from QuickBooks Online and manually sync again.

Message: QBO Id for Item: 'Item No.' cannot be blank.  Error is in expression '{!SyncSalesInvoice}' in component <apex:page> in page int_salesinvoice:...

When GoldFinch invoice lines contain items that were not synced to QBO, this error will occur when attempting to sync an invoice:

Message: QBO Id for Item: null cannot be blank

When the "QBO Sales Tax Item" was not configured or assigned in the company setup, this error will occur when attempting to sync an invoice.

Message: You must get QBO Id for Item first:  **Item No.**

Occurs when using the "Sync to QBO" button on the Sales Invoice or Purchase Invoice.

When an item entered on a Sales Invoice or Purchase Invoice has not been synced to QBO.

Go to the "All" Item list, select the item - then click "Get QBO Id."

Message: Error:Detail=The name supplied already exists. :Another customer, vendor or employee is already using this name.  Please use a different name. customer, vendor or employee, Message=Duplicate Name Exists Error, code=6249.

Resolve any duplicate account names in GoldFinch.

When the account is both a Vendor and a Customer at the same time - check that both the Vendor and the Customer are created in QuickBooks Online with names that match the GoldFinch Account name.

In GoldFinch, go the the Account, click the "Sync to QuickBooks" button.

Perform the following steps:

  • Get Customer (or Vendor) QuickBooks Id - this makes sure you've captured the Id's for both.

  • Sync Customer

  • Sync Vendor

Connection with QuickBooks Online:

Message:  "message"=AuthenticationFailed; errorCode=003200... (http status: 401, Unauthorized)

When connection is lost between GoldFinch and QBO, connection needs to be re-established.

Click "Connect to QuickBooks" from GoldFinch QBO Integration App - Connection tab.  You will be asked to log into QBO.  Refresh Token will be populated indicating a successful connection.

Integration Job is not running

When there are no integration errors and some Invoices are not synced.  When Invoices are not synced, the "QuickBooks Online ID" number on the invoice will be blank.

The job runs every hour, so it is normal for some invoices not to be synced until the job starts.  However, if over an hour has passed, and there are no integration errors, this likely means the job stopped.

Restart the job:

Schedule the job - see "SCHEDULE (START THE JOB)" in this document QuickBooks Online Automated Sync

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.