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Transfer Order Setup

Warehouse Setup

When managing inventory transfers, In-Transit warehouses must be set up as holding locations for goods that have been shipped from one warehouse but have not yet been received at the destination warehouse.

  1. In-Transit Warehouse Setup:

    • Ensure you have set up an In-Transit warehouse as a holding place for goods in transit.

    • Make sure the Use As In-Transit field is checked to designate the warehouse as an In-Transit location.

  1. Pick Bin Setup:

    • Create one Pick Bin for the warehouse and assign it to all bin fields, except the Cross Dock bin, to simplify management.

Transfer Route

Transfer Routes are particularly useful when performing inventory transfers between multiple warehouses and utilizing different In-Transit warehouses. While not mandatory when using Transfer Orders, they help ensure the correct In-Transit warehouse is used—especially for transfers that take a long time to ship.

  • Defining Transfer Routes:

    • Transfer Routes define the specific Transfer-from Warehouse, Transfer-to Warehouse, and the associated In-Transit Warehouse.

    • Set these up to streamline your inventory transfer process and avoid errors in selecting In-Transit locations.

Numbering Series

Before creating Transfer Orders, a Transfer Order numbering series must be established. This ensures consistency and tracking of transfer transactions.

  • Setting Up a Numbering Series:

    • Define the Numbering Series with the following details:

      • Name: Use a descriptive name, such as "Transfer Order."

      • Last Number Used: Input the last number used in the sequence.

      • Prefix: Assign a prefix (e.g., "TO") for easy identification.

      • Separator: Use a separator (e.g., "-") to separate the prefix from the number.

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