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Transfer Line

Field Label

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Allocated Qty.

Sum of the Quantity field on related Transfer Allocation records.

Allocated Qty. Base

Allocated Qty. converted to the Item's Base Unit of Measure.

Allocation Status

Automatically calculated by GoldFinch based on Qty. Not Allocated and O/S Ship Qty. Possible values: None, Full, or Partial.

Catch Weight

Signifies that the received Item is a Catch Weight Item. Defined on the Item record.  


The conversion factor of the Unit of Measure on the Transfer Line to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure.


Description of the Item defined on the Item record.


Global Trade Item Number. Defined on the Item Unit of Measure record.


The Item being transferred.

Item Type

Defined on the Item record. Can be either Item or Service.

Line Cost

Unit Cost * Quantity

Line No.

Automatically assigned by GoldFinch. This field is incremented by one with each new Line.

Line Pallet

Unit Pallet * Quantity

Line Weight

Unit Weight * Quantity

Lot Tracked

Specifies if the Item is Lot Tracked. Defined on the Item record. 

O/S Receive Qty.

Shipped Qty. - Received Qty.

O/S Receive Qty. Base

O/S Receive Qty. converted to the Item's Base Unit of Measure.

O/S Ship Qty.

Quantity - Shipped Qty.

O/S Ship Qty. Base

O/S Ship Qty. converted to the Item's Base Unit of Measure.

Qty. Available

Qty. on Hand from the Unit of Measure.

Qty. Base

Quantity converted to the Item's Base Unit of Measure.

Qty. Not Allocated

O/S Ship Qty. - Allocated Qty. for Inventory Items. 0 for Service Items.

Qty. Not Allocated Base

Qty. Not Allocated converted to the Item's Base Unit of Measure.

Qty. on Hand

Qty. on Hand from the Unit of Measure.

Qty. to Receive

Total Qty. of the Transfer Line Items expected to be received.

Qty. to Ship

Total Qty. of the Transfer Line Items expected to be shipped.


The Quantity being transferred.

Receipt Line

The Whse. Receipt Line that this transfer line is created from.

Received Qty.

The number of Line Items that have been received.

Received Qty. Base

Received Qty. converted to the Item's Base Unit of Measure.

Serial Tracked

Indicates whether the Item is tracked using serial numbers. Defined on the Item record. 

Shipped Qty.

Quantity Shipped for the transfer line.

Shipped Qty. Base

Shipped Qty. converted to the Item's Base Unit of Measure.

Transfer Order

The Transfer Order number linked to the Transfer Line.

Unit Cost

The Unit Cost of the Transfer Line defaulting from the item.

Unit of Measure

The Unit of Measure for the Transfer Line Item.

Unit Pallet

The Pallet from the Item's Unit of Measure.

Unit Weight

Default weight from the item’s unit of measure.

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