Tracking Line
Field Label | Field Level Help | |
Applied-to ILE | The Item Ledger Entry associated with the Tracking Line. | |
Bin | The Bin where the Line Item is initially stored. | |
Bin Content | The Bin Content Record associated with the Item(s) on the Tracking Line. | |
Calculated Qty. | Used internally by the system for the purposes of inventory management. | |
Conversion | The conversion factor of the Unit of Measure on the Tracking Line to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure. | |
Country of Origin | The Country of Origin of the lot. | |
Document Id | The Document Id associated with the Tracking Line. | |
Document Posted | Indicates if the corresponding document has been posted. | |
Item | The Item(s) on the Tracking Line. | |
Item Journal | The Item Journal associated with the Tracking Line. | |
Item Journal Line | The specific Item Journal Line associated with the Tracking Line. | |
Item Lot | The Item Lot Record associated with the Tracking Line. | |
Line No. | Automatically populated by GoldFinch. | |
Lot Expiration Date | The Expiration Date of the associated Lot. | |
Lot Manufacture Date | The Manufacture Date of the associated Lot. | |
Lot No. | The Lot No. that the Line Item(s) belong to. | |
Message | Area for entering information. | |
New Item Lot | The new Item Lot Record for the Item(s) on the Tracking Line. | |
New Lot No. | The new Lot No. for the Item(s) on the Tracking Line. | |
Not Putaway Qty | If associated with a Receipt Line: Quantity – Put-away Qty; Else: 0. | |
Not Putaway Qty Base | If associated with a Receipt Line: Qty. Base – Put-away Qty. Base; Else: 0. | |
Open | Indicates if the associated transaction/document associated with the Tracking Line is Open. | |
Physical Qty. | The physical quantity counted during a cycle count. | |
Put-away Qty | The Quantity that has been put away. | |
Put-away Qty Base | Put-away Qty converted to the item’s base unit of measure. | |
Purchase Line Formula | The Purchase Line Formula associated with the Tracking Line | |
Qty Base | Quantity converted to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure. | |
Quantity | The Quantity on the Tracking Line. | |
Receipt | The Whse. Receipt associated with the Tracking Line. | |
Receipt Line | The specific Whse. Receipt Line associated with the Tracking Line. | |
Rental | Indicates if the Item being tracked is a Rental Item. | |
Sales Invoice | The Sales Invoice associated with the Tracking Line. | |
Sales Invoice Line | The specific Sales Invoice Line associated with the Tracking Line. | |
Sales Order | The Sales Order associated with the Tracking Line. | |
Serial No. | The Serial No. for the Item on the Tracking LIne. | |
Shipment | The Whse. Shipment associated with the Tracking Line. | |
Shipment Line | The specific Whse. Shipment Line associated with the Tracking Line. | |
Shipment Status | The Shipment Status of the Whse. Shipment associated with the Tracking Line. | |
To Unit of Measure | The new Unit of Measure. Used in the event of splitting a tracked Lot into a different Unit of Measure. | |
Transaction Source | Defines the type of transaction which is associated with the Tracking Line, Possible values: Shipment, Sales Invoice, Receipt, Purchase Invoice, Item Journal, Output, Consumption, Work Order, Std. Cost Wkst, or Gen. Journal. | |
Transfer from Bin | The Bin being transferred from. | |
Transfer from Bin Content | The old Bin Content Record for the Item(s) on the Tracking Line. | |
Transfer Order | The Transfer Order associated with the Tracking Line. | |
Transfer to Bin | The Bin being transferred to. | |
Transfer to Bin Content | The new Bin Content Record for the Item(s) on the Tracking Line. | |
Unit of Measure | The Unit of Measure for the Line Item. | |
Use Lot Expire After Date | Automatically calculated by adding the Days to Expire as defined on the Item to the Posting Date of the transaction associated with the Tracking Line. The Lot No. Expiration Date selected on the Tracking Line must be before this date. | |
Warehouse | The Warehouse associated with the Tracking Line. | |
Whse Activity | The Whse. Activity associated with the Tracking Line. | |
Whse Activity Line | The specific Whse. Activity Line associated with the Tracking Line. | |
Work Line | The specific Work Line associated with the Tracking Line. | |
Work Order | The Work Order associated with the Tracking Line. |