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Tax Ledger Entry


You must enable Tax Ledger Entry to run the Sales Tax by Tax Jurisdiction report.

To Turn on Tax Ledger Entry

  • Navigate to Custom Setting → System Setting.

  • Create a parameter for EnableTaxEntry and define Value to be True.


Run Sales Tax by Tax Jurisdictions

When posting Sales Invoices, GoldFinch will automatically create Tax Ledger Entries for the sales tax reporting.


Field Name

Field Help

Sales Amount

This is the Line Amount on the Sales Invoice Line.

Exemption Amount

If Tax Liable is checked on the Sales Invoice, Exemption Amount is 0. If it is not checked, the Exemption Amount is the Sales Amount.

Exclusion Amount

By default, the Exclusion Amount is 0. If you are only required to collect sales tax up to a certain amount per Sales Invoice, contact a GoldFinch consultant to implement a custom trigger to calculate the Exclusion Amount.

Taxable Amount

The Taxable Amount is the net of the Sales Amount minus the Exemption Amount and the Exclusion Amount. Sales tax is calculated for each jurisdiction based on the Taxable Amount.

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