Stripe Cash Receipts
For Payment Activities with Transaction Types equal to Charge, Refund, and Capture, GoldFinch can automatically create Customer Receipts, apply the Customer Receipts to the related Sales Invoices, and post.
Payment Activities
There are 3 pre-defined views:
Customer Receipt = All Payment Activities with Transaction Types equal to Charge, Refund, and Capture.
Customer Receipts to Create = All Payment Activities with Transaction Types equal to Charge, Refund, and Capture, and without a Customer Receipt.
Customer Receipts to Post = All Payment Activities with Transaction Types equal to Charge, Refund, and Capture, with a Customer Receipt created but not posted.
Payment Gateway Connection
If needed, configure the Estimated Processing Fee % and Processing Fee GL Account on Payment Gateway Connection.
Job Scheduler
Use Job Scheduler to schedule PaymentActivitiySchedulable to run every night or every hour.
The API name of the schedulable class is GFCON.PaymePaymentActivitiySchedulable.
Read GoldFinch Job Scheduler for more details on how to schedule a job.
Customer Receipts
PaymentActivitiySchedulable job creates customer receipts, applies Customer Receipts to invoices, and posts the invoices.
By default, GoldFinch will use the Account Undeposited Cash defined on the Company Setup as the Bank Account.
When you receive deposits into your Bank account, you can create a General Journal to transfer cash from the Undeposited Cash account to your bank account. If you do not want to create General Journals to transfer cash, you can populate the Bank Account directly in the Undeposited Cash account.
If you have Estimated Processing Fee %, and Processing Fee GL Account configured on the Payment Gateway Connection, GoldFinch will calculate the processing fee and post it to Process Fee GL Account.