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7) Setup Customer/Vendor Accounts


The Salesforce out-of-box Account table allows you to manage Customers, Vendors, Distributors, Retailers, and other business partners. 

Setup Customer/Vendor Accounts

Open the App Launcher. Search for Accounts.

A demo account named United Natural, Inc., which includes the frequently used GoldFinch fields is created automatically with the post-installation scripts.  You can use the demo account to test Sales Orders or Purchase Order transactions in the UAT.  You can also clone the demo account to create new accounts.

Import Accounts

If you have a lot of accounts to create, you can use the Import Accounts template to import your existing accounts.  

Import Shipping Addresses List

Each customer account could have multiple alternating shipping addresses.  You can manually enter them or use the standard Salesforce Import Wizard on the Alternate Shipping list to import. 

Import Customer or Vendor Contact List

Each customer or vendor could have multiple contacts.  You can use the standard Salesforce Import Wizard on the Contact list to import.

Additional Information

  • Most B2B businesses do not need to set up sales tax.  If you have Shopify for B2C orders, you should configure Shopify to charge sales tax. 

  • If you install the GoldFinch package to your pre-existing Salesforce instance, you must add a new GoldFinch section to the standard Account page layout and then manually add GoldFinch fields. 

  • Add only the required fields to get started, then add more fields as needed to the page layout.

  • These 4 fields are required for transactions. If they are blank on Account, default values on the Company Setup will be used, when Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, Sales Invoices, or Purchase Invoices are created.

    • Currency Code

    • Payment Term

    • Warehouse 

    • Tax Area

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