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10) Enter or Import Beginning Balances


The last step before you can go live is to enter manually or import the beginning balances.

We recommend you enter these open transactions manually:

  • Sales Orders

  • Purchase Orders

  • Work Orders

You can use Import Inventory to import beginning inventory.

If you also implement the GoldFinch Accounting module:

  • Use Import Beginning Accounts Receivable to import the beginning AR.

  • Use Import Beginning Accounts Payables to import the beginning AP.

  • Enter outstanding Bank Reconciliation items (checks or deposits) manually. The Posting Date should be 1 day before the go-live date.

    • For example, if you want to go live on 8/1/23, use 7/31/23 as the posting date for the open items.

  • Use Import General Journals to import historical trial balances. We recommend having two full years of monthly GL changes in the system for comparison purposes.

    • For example, if you want to go live on 8/1/23, import the beginning Trial Balance as of 12/31/20. Then import monthly GL changes from January 2020 to July 2023.

  • Since you use various offset GL Accounts when posting beginning AR, AP, and outstanding Bank Reconciliation items, you must post a manual General Journal entry to reconcile the differences.

  • Before you go live, ensure the GL Balances for AR, AP, and Inventory match with their sub-ledgers by running Inventory Valuation, AR Aging, and AP Aging reports.

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