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Std. Cost Wkst

Field Label

Field Level Help

Adjustment %

Percentage to increase or decrease the cost of the purchase items.

Current ILE Cost

Sum of the Current ILE Cost field on all associated Std. Cost Lines.


Description of the worksheet.

Document Status

Automatically updated with either Open or Posted.

Inventory Difference

Sum of the Inventory Difference field on all associated Std. Cost Lines.

Inventory Lines Revalued

Total number of all associated Std. Cost Lines.

Invoiced Cost Difference

Sum of the Invoiced Cost Difference field on all associated Std. Cost Lines.


The Item being updated.

Items Rolled Up

Count of all associated Std. Cost Item Records.

New Total Standard Cost

Sum of the New Total Standard Cost field on all associated Std. Cost Lines.

Posting Date

The Posting Date of the Std. Cost Wkst.

Replenishment System

Indicates how the selected Items are replenished. Either Purchase or Work Order.

Total Lines

The Total number of associated Std. Cost Lines.

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