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Standard Manufacturing vs. Batch Manufacturing

When setting up your manufacturing module, one of the first decisions you will want to make is if you will use Standard (aka Discrete) Manufacturing, Batch Manufacturing, or a combination of the two. Review the questions below to begin making your decision. As you make your way through the Manufacturing section, you will learn about the various configurations associated with each manufacturing method. 

As always, be sure to consider all Inventory Classes. 

Standard Manufacturing 

Below are some things to consider:

  • Do your products have a finite list of components?

  • Do you always output the exact quantity of product you expect to make?

  • Do you always use the same amount of components to make one of your products? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you will likely use the Standard Manufacturing setup for at least some of your products. 

Batch Manufacturing

Below are some things to consider:

  • Are your products mixed in a large mixer or stored in drums?

  • Does the output of your product fluctuate based on different variables, such as temperature?

  • Do you need to account for more or less consumption of some of your components/ingredients, within a given tolerance? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it is likely that you will use the Batch Manufacturing setup for at least some of your products.  

If the answers to these questions are not 100% clear, continue exploring both options before making a final decision. 

We are always here to answer any questions you might have.  

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