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Sorting of Sub Type 1 and Sub Type 2

When displaying Financial Statements, GoldFinch sorts Sub Type 1 and Sub Type 2 not in the alphabetical order of the values, but in the order of the first associated GL Account Name.

For instance, let's say that the first GL Account for Sub Type 1 “Material” is 51000 - COGS - Projects” while the first GL Account for Sub Type 1Labor” is “53000 - COGS - Installation”. Because the sorting is based on the alphabetical order of the GL Account Name, “Material” will be displayed before “Labor”.

If you want to display “Labor” before “Material”, you must rename “53000 - COGS - Installation”. As an example, you may rename it to “50900 - COGS - Installation” so that the GL Account Name is before “51000 - COGS - Projects.”

GL Account Name

Sub Type 1

Sub Type 2

51000 - COGS - Projects


51100 - COGS - Reorders


53000 - COGS - Installation


54000 - COGS - Freight


50000 - COGS - Wages & Benefits


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