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Shopify Integration Push Option

You can configure Shopify to push orders to GoldFinch.

This option does not require a separate Salesforce API user license. An anonymous user will be used to communicate between Shopify and GoldFinch.

Contact a GoldFinch consultant to help with the following configurations:

  1. Prepare your GoldFinch instance to have a Rest API Endpoint to receive Shopify orders.

    1. Create a Visualforce page

    2. Create a global web service apex class

    3. Create a site in the client’s instance

    4. Create a class to decode JSON code

    5. You can either:

      1. Insert Shopify Orders to Import Sales Orders, then process them to create Sales Orders

      2. Insert Shopify Orders to Import Shipment objects, then process them to create Sales Invoices.

  2. Prepare Shopify to push orders to GoldFinch

    1. Navigate to Shopify → Setting → Notifications → Webhooks → Create Webhook.

    2. Create a Webhook to push orders to GoldFinch with an event such as Order Creation or Order Fulfillment.

  3. You can create more Webhooks in Shopify for events such as Draft Order Creation or Refund Create.

    1. Each of these Webhooks must have a corresponding Rest API Endpoint in the GoldFinch instance to receive data.

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