Setup Promotion Discounts
As of 08/21/20, the Promotion Discounts object has been deprecated. Read Sales Discount to learn how to set up discounts by item category.
Use the Sales Discount table to configure the Sales Line Discount based on Item and Unit of Measure and Sales Invoice Discount for the whole order. You can use the Promotion Discounts table to manage Unit OI % and Unit OI Amount based on Item Category.
If GoldFinch finds a discount configuration for the Sales Line in the Promotion Discount table and the Sales Discounts table, discount configuration in the Sales Discount table supersedes the discount configuration in the Promotion Discount table.
Promotion Discounts can be configured based on Starting Date, Ending Date, Customer, and Item Category.
During the Sales Order entry process, GoldFinch evaluates various promotions. The best (highest) Unit OI % or Unit OI Amount is used on the Sales Order Line.
You cannot enter both Unit OI % and Unit OI Amount on the same Promotion Discount Line.