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Setup Import Sales Order Tab

Add buttons to the Import Sales Order Search Layout

  1. To check if the Import Sales Order tab is created already, click on the App Launcher. Search for Import Sales Order.

  2. Since it isn’t there, click on the Setup icon and click on Setup.

  3. In the Quick Find box, search for Tabs.

  4. Click on New.

  5. Setup the New Custom Object Tab as shown. Then click Next.

    1. Object = Import Sales Orders

    2. Tab Style = Lightning

  6. Don’t change any of the Defaults on Step 2: Add to Profiles page and click Next.

  7. In Step 3: Add to Custom Apps make sure the checkbox is unchecked. Click on Save.

  8. The Import Sales Orders Tab should be created. Click on the App Launcher. Search for Import Sales Orders.

  9. The Create Sales Order, Import CSV, and the Mass Delete Button need to be added. Click on the Setup Icon. Click on Edit Object.

  10. Click on Buttons, Links, and Actions and select New Button or Link.

  11. Fill out the fields according to the screenshot below. Make sure the Display Checkboxes box is unchecked.

  12. The pop-up “The new custom list button will not be displayed to users until you add it to the search layout.” may appear. Click Yes.

  13. Click on List View Button Layout.

  14. Click the drop-down arrow and click on Edit.

  15. Highlight the fields you want (Mass Delete, Import CSV, and Create Sales Order) and use the arrow buttons to move it to Selected Buttons. Make sure all the standard Buttons checkboxes are unchecked too. Click Save.

  16. Go back to Import Sales Orders. It should look like the screenshot below.

Setup the Not Processed List View for Import Sales Order

  1. At the Import Sales Order tab, click on the mini setup icon. Click on New.

  2. Fill in the fields as shown in the screenshot below. Click on Save.

  3. Click on the Filter icon. Click on Add Filter. Fill out the fields according to the screenshot below. Make sure it says Processed equals False. Click Done.

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