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Setting up Items for Batch Manufacturing

Below are additional fields for batch manufacturing:

Field Name 


Batch Manufacturing 

Only required for Batch Manufacturing.
Mark this box if the item is a Batch Manufactured item.  You will also need to have a Batch Item Unit of Measure set up for this item and a Default Batch Unit of Measure defined.  Explore this more in the next section. 

Default Batch Unit of Measure

Only required for Batch Manufacturing.
The default Item Unit of Measure for Batch Work Orders.  The Item Unit of Measure must have a Type of Batch, and this is also what defines the Formula Size for Batch Manufactured Items. Learn more about this in the section on Formulas. 

Default Batch Size

Only required for Batch Manufacturing.
Autopopulated based on Default Batch Unit of Measure.

Batch Output Tolerance %

Only required for Batch Manufacturing and if the Item is a lot-tracked item.
For Batch Manufactured items, you may produce a different quantity of output for each Batch.  This field controls how much more or less output the system will tolerate without throwing and error.

Consumption Tolerance %

Only required for Batch Manufacturing and if the Item is a lot-tracked item.
For any component consumed as raw material, you can update the quantity consumed on each work order if the actual quantity consumed was different from the formula called for.  This field controls how much more or less consumption the system will tolerate without throwing an error. 

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