Set Up Accrual Landed Costs
There are a number of setups you need to perform before you can use the Accrual Landed Cost function.
Accrual AP Accounts
Create up to 5 Accrual AP GL Accounts to track accrual landed costs on the GL level.
Landed Cost Service Items
Create up to 5 Service Items to record accrual landed costs.
Item No. should correspond to the landed cost component and should start with “Z-”. The Item Type must be Service.
Create an Accounting Posting Setup record for the item. Define the corresponding Accrual A/P Account in the Account Purchases field.
Item Setup
For all inventory items that you want to accrue landed costs, define an estimated % for each landed cost component. You may need to add these fields to the Item page if they are not visible.
You can skip this step if you prefer to add estimated landed costs before you post the Whse. Receipt.
Company Setup
Navigate to Company Setup, click New on the Inventory Setup, to configure Accrued AP GL Accounts, and Landed Cost Items.
Changing Field Labels
Out-of-box field labels for Landed Cost fields for the following objects can be changed by an administrator:
Inventory Setup
Whse Receipt Line
Purchase Invoice Line
Updating Field Sets
The following Field Sets can be updated to display landed cost fields on various Edit pages.
Whse Receipt edit page. Navigate to Whse. Receipt Line object, and add Landed Cost fields to the EditReceiptLineLandedCostSection Field Set.
Purchase Invoice edit page. Navigate to the Purchase Invoice Line object, and add Landed Cost fields to the Line Section After Line Cost Field Set.