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Security Configuration


To simplify security management, it is recommended to use out-of-the-box profiles (System Administrator profile with Salesforce license, or Standard Platform User with Standard Platform License) without changing existing profiles, or adding new profiles.  Instead, use Permission Sets to manage custom permissions.

By default, the System Administrator profile has all permissions. 

Assigning Permission Sets

It is recommended to assign GFERP Standard Permission Set or GFERP Warehouse User Permission Set to all users. Read 9) Setup Users for more details of various GoldFinch Permission Sets.

You can create new permission sets to add to the base permission sets. For example, you can create Accounting Additional Permission Set so that the accounting users with the GFERP Standard Permission Set can edit Payment Terms and other setup tables.

If you clone a GoldFinch Permission Set to create a new one, you will need to manually update it for new GoldFinch objects, fields, VisualForce pages, and classes.

Roll-up summary fields are updated by the system if the users have Edit permission to the underlying transactional tables, but do not have Edit permission to the Roll-up summary fields.

To test the permissions of a user, turn on Log in As User feature, then login to the respective user account to test. If Log in As User feature is not available, contact the Salesforce support from the client instance.

Assigning the GoldFinch ERP License

To access GoldFinch, navigate to Installed Packages, and select Manage Licenses to assign users (including system administrators) with a GoldFinch license.

Field Level Security and Row Level Security

Contact a GoldFinch consultant if you have a business requirement to enable this.

Field-Level History Tracking

You can enable this feature for critical fields such as fields on Company Setup, Unit Cost on Purchase Line, or Unit Price on Sales Line as required. 

Accessing the GoldFinch ERP Reports Folder

The GoldFinch ERP Reports Folder is shared with All Internal Users with a View Access. If not shared, or if you have a new report folder to share, execute the following to manually share it:

  1. Click All Folders.

  2. Click the respective folder name.

  3. Select Public Groups.

  4. Select All Internal Users.

  5. Select Access as View.

  6. Click Done to save the changes.

Note - To update a GoldFinch report, use Save As in the original report to create a new report. Do not change out-of-the-box GoldFinch reports.

Limited User License Type

Configuring GoldFinch Limited User License Type

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