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Scan Shop Floor


The Scan Shop Floor function allows Users with Manufacturing permissions to create and post Output Journals with Labor Times, Output Quantities, and Scrap Quantities for Work Orders. A Goldfinch User Setup record must be created for each Salesforce User that will need access to this function. The Scan Shop Floor function:

  • Allows you to capture values for Run Time, Output Quantity, and Scrap Quantity.

  • These values are captured in a Register Work record.

  • Each Work Line may have multiple child Register Work records.

    • The total Run Time, Output Quantity, and Scrap Quantity from the Work Line’s Register Work records are tallied in a Roll-up Summary field on the Work Line.

    • This means that Users may register multiple sessions of Work, where each has its own Run Time, Output Quantity, and Scrap Quantity values.

  • This may be useful for situations where:

    • Operations on a single Work Line span multiple scheduled shifts;

    • Multiple Users complete Operations on a single Work Line.

  • An Output Item Journal is posted for each Work Line in the Work Order.


Setting up Users to access the Scan Shop Floor function

  1. Click to open the App Launcher.  Select User Setup.

  1. Create or edit an existing User Setup record. One is required for each Salesforce user who needs access to the Scan Shop Floor function.

  2. In the User Setup record, enter the following fields:

    1. Menu: Add the text Shop Floor

    2. Scan Allow Post Output: If true, the User is allowed to create and post Output Journals.

    3. Scan Work Center: If true, the User is allowed to process Item Routing steps that are linked to the Work Center Service Item.

    4. Warehouse: Users are only allowed to process Work Center Service Item Routing steps in the selected Warehouse.


Using the GoldFinch Mobile App to enter Labor Time and Quantities to Work Orders

  • To use the Scan Shop Floor function, go to the GoldFinch Mobile app within the Salesforce Mobile App.

  • Within the GoldFinch Mobile app, select the Shop Floor menu option.

  • The Shop Floor menu will display Work Line records that meet the following conditions:

    • The Work Line has the same Warehouse and Work Center that was specified on the User Setup.

    • The Line Status field is set to either Open or Released.

    • The Work Center is not marked for Outside Service.

  • Each Work Line record will also display the following information:

    • Time (HR) - This field shows the Expected Time / Actual Time recorded

    • Qty (Input/Output):

      • For the first Item Routing step, the Input Qty. is the same as the Work Order’s Qty.

      • For the rest of the Item Routing steps, the Input Qty. is the previous Item Routing step’s Output Qty.

  • To record Run Times, Output Quantities, and Scrap Quantities for a Work Line, click on the Work Line’s Register button.

  • The Register button will create a Register Work record for the Work Line record.

  • For each Register Work record, enter the following information:

    • Shift: Enter the Shift Schedule that was worked.

    • Start Date/Time: When registering new Work, the default value will be the current Date/Time.

    • End Date/Time: This field will default to the time when the page is Saved.

    • Output: Enter the output quantity for the Work being registered.

    • Scrap: Enter the scrap quantity for the Work being registered.

  • Click on the Save button to save the Register Work record.

  • Click on the New button to register additional Output or Scrap Quantities, or to enter Work for a different shift.

Creating and Posting an Output Journal

  • After registering Work to a Work Line, review the Work Line’s Expected and Actual Time, and Input and Output Qty.

  • When you are ready to create and post the Output Journal for the Work Line, click Post.

    • The Post button is not visible to every User.

    • The Scan Allow Post Output on the User Setup must be checked to allow a user to create and post output journals.

  • When an Output Journal is created:

    • The Input Qty is used to consume from the Raw Material inventory. This is the Quantity that will be removed from the Bin Contents of the Child Item.

    • The Output Qty. is used to record the actual output for the Routing Step.

    • The Finished Goods Inventory will be increased when the last Routing Step is posted. This is the Quantity that will be added to the Bin Contents of the Parent Item.

  • The sum of the total Output Qty. and the total Scrap Qty. must be equal to the Input Qty.

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