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Scan Receive with GS1 UDI Barcodes


Scan with GS1 UDI Barcodes Setups

Read Scan Receive to understand how the standard Scan Receipt function works.

Scan Items Page

Scan the GS1 UDI barcode on the Scan Item page. GoldFinch will automatically decode the barcode using the pre-configured delimiters and Identifiers:

  • Convert the 14-digit Device ID code to Item No.

  • Lot No.

  • Manufacture Date

  • Expiration Date

Review the Lot No scanned and enter a Quantity for the lot.

Continue to scan the GS1 UDI barcodes for different lots and enter quantities until the Item block turns green, which means you have received all quantities.

You can double-click the item block to see the Lot No. and Quantities.

Click Reset to undo and start again.

Continue to scan GS1 UDI barcodes for other items. After you have scanned all items, click Actions → Post. 

Note: You don't need to scan all items in the PO to create a receipt. The system will only create and post what you have received.

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