Scan Picks
Scan Pick can be used by the Warehouse staff to pick inventory for the shipment. You can use an iPhone, iPad, or any Android device as your mobile scanning device.
User Setup
Scanning options are defined in the User Setup which will define the warehouse and scanning features a user can access.
Click to open the App Launcher. Select User Setup.
Select a Warehouse if needed.
By default, users are allowed to scan picks only in the warehouse selected. Leave this field blank to allow picks for all warehouses.
Edit the Menu field and add Pick for the user.
Menu Page
Picking List Page
Scan or select the Pick.
Scan Items page
You will see items show up in blocks, with 3 possible colors:
Red/pink: nothing has been picked for the item.
Yellow: partially picked for the item.
Green: fully picked for the item.
In each of the blocks, you will see:
Item Name, Item Description, Bin, and Lots
Qty (the quantity to be picked)
Rem'g (the remaining quantity to pick)
Picked (the quantity that has already been picked)
UOM (Unit of measure)
Scan Process
Go to the bins that are specified on the page.
Enter or Scan an item.
Important: If you are manually entering the item or quantity - use the "Enter" key on the device keyboard for it to be accepted.
You can scan either Item No. or GTIN on the Item Unit of Measure table.
After entering an item, scan or enter the Bin and/or the Lot.
You can also click the search button to look up records.
Suggested Bins and Lots are displayed on the page. You can use the suggested values or select a different value if it is available.
If the item is lot-tracked, enter or select the lot # → enter quantity → Save.
If the item is serial-tracked, enter or select the serial # → Save.
If the item is a lot tracked and serial tracked item, enter or select the serial # → Save.
If the item is not lot tracked and not serial tracked, enter the quantity → Save.
You can double-click the item block to see the Item, the Lot, and the Quantity picked.
Click Reset to undo and start again.
Posting Picks
When all items have been picked, the Pick is ready to Post.
Note: When only part of the items are picked, the office staff must edit the Pick in GoldFinch to match the scanned quantities before it can be posted.
Click Actions → Post.
Posting Whse Shipments
The office staff can then post the Whse Shipment.