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Scan Move (Dynamic Move)


Scan Move can be used by the Warehouse staff to move inventory between bins without a pre-created Movement document. You can use an iPhone, iPad, or any Android device as your mobile scanning device.

User Setup

Scanning options are defined in the User Setup which will define the warehouse and scanning features a user can access.

Click to open the App Launcher.  Select User Setup.

  1. Select a Warehouse if needed.  By default, users are allowed to scan move only in the warehouse selected.  Leave this field blank to allow movement scanning for all warehouses.  

  2. Edit the Menu field and add Move for the user.  

Menu Page

Bin List

Scan or select any bin to be moved.

Scan Item page

You will see items show up in blocks, with 2 possible colors:

Red: nothing has been picked to move.

Green: picked to move.

In each of the blocks, you will see:

  1. Item Name, Item Description

  2. In Stock (the quantity in stock)

  3. To Move (the quantity you have picked to move)

  4. UOM (Unit of measure)

Scan Process

Steps to scan non-lot-tracked items.

Scan either Item No. or GTIN on the Item Unit of Measure table.

Enter the Quantity to be moved for the selected item.




Steps to scan lot-tracked items.

You can scan either Item No. or GTIN on the Item Unit of Measure table.

Enter the Quantity to be moved for the selected item and lot number.  





Click Actions to see all quantities to be moved. 

Click Move to proceed with the transaction.   Select the bin to move the goods to.



Click Submit

A movement activity record will be created in GoldFinch


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