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Sales Quote Line

Field Label

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Catch Weight

Indicates whether or not the Line Item is a Catch Weight Item.


The conversion factor of the Unit of Measure on the Sales Quote Line to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure.

Currency Factor

The conversion factor from the Currency on the Quote Line to the Default Currency defined on the Company Setup Record.

Customer PO No.

Populated with Cross Reference No. defined for the Customer and the Item.


The Description of the line Item. Can be changed manually.


The Discount amount for the Sales Quote Line.

Discount By

Determines which Discount field should be used. Possible values: % or Unit.

Discount Per

The Discount amount for the Sales Quote Line calculated as a percent.

Import Sales Line

The Import Sales Line Record associated with the Quote Line.


The Item selected for quote.

Item Blocked

Indicates if the Item is Blocked. Defined on the Item record.

Item Type

Either Inventory or Service. Defined on the Item record.

Item UOM Not Sellable

Indicates if the selected Unit of Measure is not allowed for sale.

Line Amount

The total Line Amount of the Sales Quote Line (excluding tax).

Line Amt Incl. Tax

The total Line Amount of the Sales Quote Line (including tax).

Line Cost

Unit Cost x Quantity

Line Discount

The Line Discount Amount as defined on the Sales Discount record for the selected Account.

Line No.

Automatically assigned by GoldFinch. This field is incremented by one with each new Line.

Line Profit

Line Amount – Line Cost

Lot Tracked

Indicates if the Item is Lot Tracked. Defined on the Item record. 

Promotion Line

The Promotion Line associated with the Sales Quote Line. Based on multiple criteria such as Sell-to Customer, Quote Date, and Item Category. 

Qty. Base

Quantity converted to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure.


The quoted Quantity.

Quote Date

The creation date of the Sales Quote Line. Defaults from the Sales Quote record.

Sales Price

The Sales Price record defined for the selected combination of Account, Item, and Unit of Measure.

Sales Quote

The Sales Quote No. associated with the Sales Quote Line.

Serial Tracked

Indicates if the Line Item is Serial Tracked.


The total Tax Amount for the Sales Quote Line.

Tax %

Populated by GoldFinch based on the Tax Area on the Sales Quote record and the Tax Group of the Line Item.

Tax Group

The Tax Group for the Line Item. Possible values: Material, Labor, Freight, or NoTax.

Unit Cost

The Unit Cost of the Line Item.

Unit of Measure

The Unit of Measure selected for the Line Item.

Unit Price

The Unit Price of the Line Item.


The shipping Warehouse.

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