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Sales Quote

Field Label

Field Level Help

Alternate Shipping

Defined on the Customer Account record. Used if the Ship-to Address is different from the Bill-to Address.

Bill-to Blocked

Indicates if the Bill-to Customer is blocked. Defined on the Customer Account.

Bill-to Customer

The Customer responsible for payment.

Billing City

The Bill-to Customer City or the Alternate Bill-to City if not blank.

Billing Contact

The Bill-to Customer Contact or the Alternate Bill-to Contact if not blank.

Billing Country

The Bill-to Customer Country or the Alternate Bill-to Country if not blank.

Billing Postal Code

The Bill-to Customer Postal Code or the Alternate Bill-to Postal Code if not blank.

Billing State

The Bill-to Customer State or the Alternate Bill-to State if not blank.

Billing Street

The Bill-to Customer Street Address or the Alternate Bill-to Street Address if not blank.


The Currency defined for the Sales Quote.

Currency Factor

The conversion factor from the Currency on the Quote to the Default Currency defined on the Company Setup Record.

Cust. PO No.

External reference number used by the Customer that placed the order being shipped.


The Description of the Sales Quote.

Document Status

Automatically populated by GoldFInch. Possible values: Open or Order Created.

Due Date

This is the date when the quote expires

GL Ledger

GL Ledger for the transaction. Default is blank.

Import Sales Order

The Import Sales Order record associated with the Sales Order.

Keep Prices when Convert

Indicates if prices should be kept upon converting the Sales Quote to a Sales Order.

No. of Lines

The total number of lines from all sales lines.

Order Date

The creation date of the associated Sales Order.

Payment Discount %

The Payment Discount % to be applied if payment is received before the Payment Discount Date.

Payment Discount Date

The payment cutoff date for receiving a Payment Discount.

Payment Term

The Payment Term for the quote.

Printable Billing Address

Aggregation of all Bill-to fields. Used to create a formatted billing address.

Printable Shipping Address

Aggregation of all Ship-to fields. Used to create a formatted shipping address.


The Project associated with the quote.

Quote Amount

Sum of the Line Amount field on all associated Sales Quote Lines.

Quote Amt Incl. Tax

Sum of the Line Amt Incl. Tax field on all associated Sales Quote Lines.

Quote Date

The creation date of the Sales Quote.

Quote Discount

Sum of the Discount field on all associated Sales Quote Lines.

Quote Lines

The total number of associated Sales Quote Lines.

Quote Profit

Sum of the Line Profit field for all associated Sales Quote Lines.

Quote Profit %

Quote Profit / Quote Amount if Quote Amount is not 0.

Quote Quantity

Sum of the Quantity field on all associated Sales Quote Lines.

Quote Tax

Sum of the Tax field on all associated Sales Quote Lines.

Sales Rep

The internal Sales Rep responsible for the quote.

Sell-to Blocked

Indicates if the Sell-to Customer is blocked. Defined on the Customer Account.

Sell-to Customer

The Customer receiving the quote.

Shipping Agent

The courier used for the shipment.

Shipping Agent Service

The service to use when shipping the goods.

Shipping City

The Sell-to Customer City or the Alternate Ship-to City if not blank.

Shipping Contact

The Sell-to Customer Contact or the Alternate Ship-to Contact if not blank.

Shipping Country

The Sell-to Customer Country or the Alternate Ship-to Country if not blank.

Shipping Postal Code

The Sell-to Customer Postal Code or the Alternate Ship-to Postal Code if not blank.

Shipping State

The Sell-to Customer State or the Alternate Ship-to State if not blank.

Shipping Street

The Sell-to Customer Street Address or the Alternate Ship-to Street Address if not blank.

Tax Area

The Sell-to Customer Tax Area or the Alternate Ship-to Tax Area if not blank.

Tax Liable

Indicates if the Customer is liable for tax.


The shipping Warehouse.

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