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Sales Prices


Sales Price records can be considered a catalog of your business's products and services. Depending on your business's strategy, the same Sales Price record may be used for all customers, meaning all customers will be charged the same price.

Alternatively, your business may have different Sales Prices depending on the customer or market segment to which you are selling products. GoldFinch can help your business implement these pricing strategies using Sales Price records.

Setup Sales Prices

Open the App Launcher.  Search for Sales Prices.

On the Sales Price Record List, click the New button.


Enter the Item and Unit of Measure specific to this Sales Price record.

Pricing Type

Depending on your business's strategy, a Sales Price record can be created for one of the following groups of Customer Accounts:

  • All Accounts - the same Sales Price record will apply to All Accounts

  • A Specific Account - the Sales Price record will only apply to one Account

    • If using the Specific Account Pricing Type, enter the Account this sales price record is related to

  • Pricing Group - the same Sales Price record will apply to the Accounts within the selected Pricing Group

    • If using the Pricing Group Pricing Type, enter the Sales Pricing Group that this sales price record is related to

Assigning Customers to a Sales Pricing Group

Sales Pricing Groups can apply the same Sales Price record to a group of Customer Accounts. To create this type of Sales Price record:

  • Set the Pricing Type to Pricing Group.

  • Next, on the Sales Price Group field, select the Group that this Sales Price record will apply to.

To assign a Customer to a Sales Price Group, go to that Customer's Account record. Use the Sales Pricing Group field to assign the Group for the Customer.

Creating New Sales Pricing Groups

The Sales Pricing Group field is a picklist value that gets its values from a Global Picklist Value Set named Sales Pricing Group. To add new Groups, go to the Setup menu, search for and click on Picklist Value Sets.

How GoldFinch ERP Selects a Sales Price for a Sales Order

GoldFinch uses the following criteria to determine which Sales Price to use on a Sales Order:

  • The Order Date on the Sales Order must be within the Starting Date and Ending Date selected on the Sales Price.

  • Selecting All Accounts will assign the same Sales Price to all Customers. If All Accounts Pricing Type is not selected on the Sales Price, then either

    • the Sell-to Customer on the Sales Order must be the same as the Account specified on the Sales Price;

    • the Sell-to Customer must have the Sales Price's Pricing Group selected on its Sales Pricing Group field.

  • The Item and Unit of Measure on the Sales Order must be the same as the Item and Item Unit of Measure defined on the Sales Price.

  • The Quantity on the Sales Order Line must be greater than or equal to the Minimum Quantity on the Sales Price Entry.

  • Only Active Sales Prices are included. The Active field will be set to true if the current date is within the Starting Date and Ending Date of the Sales Price.

GoldFinch will evaluate the previous criteria when creating the Sales Order to determine the correct Sales Prices. The lowest effective price for the Item and Unit of Measure combination from the Sales Price records will be used on the Sales Order Line. GoldFinch will use the Standard Base Price from the Item record if no qualified Sales Price record is available.

For example, you can configure the Sales Price for a specific account for $10. If that same account also belongs to a Pricing Group with a Sales Price configured for the Pricing Group at $8, $8 will be used on the Sales Order Line.

To configure prices for various Alternate Shipping records for the same Account (ex. ABC), you must promote Alternate Shipping to Accounts. Then on the Accounts, populate the Alternate Billing field with the Account (ex. ABC)

When you create Sales Invoices from Sales Orders, Unit Prices are copied from Sales Order to Sales Invoices, regardless what the new sales price entries are set up in the Sales Prices table.

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