Sales Price
Field Label | Field Level Help |
Account | If the Pricing Type is a specific account, select the account that will follow the configuration. |
Active | It is checked automatically if the Sales Price is effective as of today. |
Currency Code | The currency used for the sales price. |
Ending Date | The last day the sales price is valid. |
Item | You can choose to setup the sales price entry either by Item or by Item Category. If you choose by Item, enter the item number for this configuration. |
Minimum Quantity | The minimum quantity purchased to be eligible for the sales price. |
Pricing Type | Define if this sales price configuration will be applied to All Accounts, a Price Group, or a Specific Account. |
Sales Price | The sales price to be used when the pricing criteria has been met. |
Sales Pricing Group | If the Pricing Type is price group, select the price group that will follow the configuration. |
Starting Date | The first day the sales price is valid. |
Unit of Measure | If you are setting up the sales price entry by Item, enter the Item UOM for this configuration. |