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Sales Price

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If the Pricing Type is a specific account, select the account that will follow the configuration.


It is checked automatically if the Sales Price is effective as of today.

Currency Code

The currency used for the sales price.

Ending Date

The last day the sales price is valid.


You can choose to setup the sales price entry either by Item or by Item Category.  If you choose by Item, enter the item number for this configuration.  

Minimum Quantity

The minimum quantity purchased to be eligible for the sales price.

Pricing Type

Define if this sales price configuration will be applied to All Accounts, a Price Group, or a Specific Account.

Sales Price

The sales price to be used when the pricing criteria has been met.

Sales Pricing Group

If the Pricing Type is price group, select the price group that will follow the configuration.

Starting Date

The first day the sales price is valid.

Unit of Measure

If you are setting up the sales price entry by Item, enter the Item UOM for this configuration.

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