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Sales Orders Allocation


Inventory Items are allocated to Sales Orders to reserve inventory quantities for that order.  Once inventory is allocated, that quantity can no longer be allocated to other orders. 

The processes to manage allocations are outlined below.

It's important to note that if you have lot-tracked or serial-tracked items, allocations of these items are not performed by lot numbers or serial numbers. In other words, allocations are not to the Bin Content level. Only inventory quantities are allocated to orders.

Automatic Allocations

When a Sales Order is saved, items are automatically allocated to the inventory based on the quantity available for the Item, Unit of Measure, and Warehouse combination.

GoldFinch will not allocate inventory on a Sales Line if Do Not Allocate is checked on the sales order, if the sales order is a Return Order, an On Hold order, if the order is closed, or if the line is closed.

The Allocated Quantity on the Sales Line will automatically be filled in with the amount that has been allocated for that line. 

When an item is allocated, Item Allocation (SO) entries are created and can be viewed from the Sales Order.

Remove/Edit Allocations

In situations where inventory on hand has been allocated to an order, but another more urgent order should have the inventory allocated to it instead, the Item Allocations can be removed, or the quantity allocated can be reduced.

Edit or Delete the Item Allocation line to either reduce the amount allocated or delete the allocated line entirely.

Update Sales Order Allocations

After inventory quantities have been updated, you can update existing sales order allocations by editing the Sales Order then saving the order.  GoldFinch will go through the allocation process for the order and allocate any unallocated items based on the quantity available for the Item, Unit of Measure, and Warehouse combination.

You can also click on the Allocation button on the Sales Order to update Allocations for that order.

Mass Allocation and Deallocation.

Mass Manage Allocations by Order

From the Sales Order list (select any list other than the Recently Viewed list), select the Sales Orders you would like to either process the Allocation or Deallocation function for by putting a check next to the order, then select the Mass Allocate or Mass Deallocate button.

Mass Manage Allocations by Item.

To manage the allocations of all open Sales Orders for an item, you can view the Allocation Management page by either selecting the Allocation Management button on the Item page

or by selecting the Allocated Qty. hyperlink on a Sales Line for the item while in the Edit mode of the Sales Order.

Here you can update the Allocation Quantity for the item for multiple sales orders and transfer orders.

Bypass Automatic Allocation

You can bypass the automatically allocate items process when a Sales Order is placed in the following ways:

Company Setup

Putting a check in the Default Do Not Allocate field on the Company Setup will bypass the automatic allocation process for all Sales Orders.


Putting a check in the Do Not Allocate field on the Account will automatically put a check in the Do Not Allocate field on the Sales Order and thus bypass the automatic allocation process for a Sales Order entered for this account.

Sales Orders

Putting a check in the Do Not Allocate field on the Sales Order will automatically put a check in the Do Not Allocate field on the Transfer Order and thus bypass the automatic allocation process for this Sales Order.

Note: The Do No Allocate field cannot be changed on a sales order if there is a Warehouse Shipment that has been created but not yet posted.

Exclude Inventory in Allocation

Company Setup

Putting a check in the Exclude Expired Inventory in Allocation field on the Company Setup will exclude expired inventory for lot-tracked items.


Putting a check in the Do Not Allocate field on the Bin will exclude inventory in this bin for the allocation.

Include Pending Receipts in Allocation

By default, only inventory on hand is used for item allocations.  To include Pending Receipts (Outstanding Qty. from Purchase Orders or O/S Ship Qty. from Open Transfer Orders), check the Include Pending Receipt in Allocation field on the Company Setup.

Allocation Method

By default, the Mass Allocation routine allocates inventory to sales orders by Sales Order No.

Change the Allocation Method to Priority & Shipment Date on Company Setup if you prefer to allocate inventory based on Allocation Priority and Shipment Date on sales orders.

Freeze Allocations

By default, Goldfinch updates allocations whenever a Sales Order is saved. Check the Freeze Allocation field to keep the existing allocations.

Frequently Asked Questions

There is Plenty of Inventory to Allocate but the System Only Allocates Some.

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