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Sales Order Allocations


Inventory allocation reserves quantities of items for sales orders, ensuring that the reserved stock is not available for other orders. Below are the key processes for managing allocations.

Note: For lot-tracked or serial-tracked items, allocations are made based on inventory quantities rather than specific lot or serial numbers. Allocations do not extend to the Bin Content level.

Automatic Allocations

When a sales order is saved, items are automatically allocated based on available quantities, unit of measure, and warehouse. Inventory is not allocated in the following cases:

  • The "Do Not Allocate" field is checked on the sales order.

  • The sales order is a Return Order, On Hold, or Closed.

  • The sales line is closed.

Allocated items generate Item Allocation (SO) entries, viewable on the sales order.

Modifying Allocations

If allocated inventory needs to be redirected to a more urgent order, you can:

  • Edit or delete the Item Allocation line to adjust or remove the allocation.

  • Update allocations by editing and saving the sales order, triggering GoldFinch to reallocate based on the current inventory.

Alternatively, click the Allocation button on the sales order to update allocations after new inventory is received.

Mass Allocation and Deallocation

By Sales Order

  1. From the Sales Order list (excluding Recently Viewed), select the orders for allocation or deallocation.

  2. Use the Mass Allocate or Mass Deallocate button.

By Item

  1. Access the Allocation Management page from the Item page or via the Allocated Qty. hyperlink on a sales line.

  2. Update allocation quantities across multiple sales orders and transfer orders.

Bypassing Automatic Allocation

Automatic allocation can be bypassed through the following methods:

  1. Company Setup

    • Enable the Default Do Not Allocate option to bypass allocation for all sales orders.

  2. Accounts

    • Checking the Do Not Allocate field on an account automatically applies this setting to all associated sales orders.

  3. Sales Orders

    • Checking the Do Not Allocate field on a sales order also applies it to any related transfer orders.

Note: The "Do Not Allocate" field cannot be changed if a Warehouse Shipment has been created but not posted.

Excluding Inventory from Allocation

  1. Company Setup

    • Enable Exclude Expired Inventory in Allocation to omit expired inventory for lot-tracked items.

  2. Bin Setup

    • Checking the Do Not Allocate field on a bin will exclude its inventory from allocations.

Including Pending Receipts in Allocation

To consider Pending Receipts (e.g., outstanding quantities from purchase or transfer orders) during allocation, enable Include Pending Receipt in Allocation in the Company Setup.

Allocation Method

The default Mass Allocation routine prioritizes allocations by Sales Order No. You can change the method to Priority & Shipment Date in the Company Setup, which considers allocation priority and shipment dates.

Freezing Allocations

GoldFinch normally updates allocations whenever a sales order is saved. To maintain existing allocations without changes, check the Freeze Allocation field.

Frequently Asked Questions

For more information, refer to the GoldFinch Allocation FAQ.

These settings help you manage inventory allocation efficiently, ensuring that orders are fulfilled based on priority and availability.

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