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Sales Orders Planning


For companies that sell Finished Goods with assemblies and sub-assemblies (i.e. a multi-level BOM), it is important to understand what Raw Materials you currently have (i.e. Quantity on Hand, and pending Purchase Receipts) and what you need to buy next. The Sales Order Planning feature helps your company determine its current supply and demand by:

  1. Calculating the demand from:

    1. All open Sales Lines (i.e. get the Quantity from Sales Lines that have not been shipped to a Customer);

    2. Sales Forecasts

  2. Exploding the demand for Parent Items into its Raw Material Components (i.e. what you buy, not what you assemble);

  3. And calculating the current supply from the Quantity on Hand and currently open Purchase Lines for each Item.

This information is then condensed into a report: GF2025 Sales Order Planning, enabling you to create Purchase Orders for Items that do not have enough supply to meet demand across all currently open Sales Orders.

If you are a project-based business, you can group demand and supply by Sales Orders to ensure you have enough supply for each Sales Order demand.

Setup Sales Order Planning

Go to the Sales Order list and click Sales Order Planning. This will run the Sales Order Planning feature on all currently open Sales Lines.

Sales Order Plans are created for a user-defined date range. By default, the Plan End Date is set to 3 months from today’s date. The Calculate Sales Order Planning feature will only include:

  • Open Sales Lines with Shipment Date <= Plan End Date

  • Open Purchase Lines with Expected Receipt Date <= Plan End Date.

Calculate Sales Order Planning is a batch routine; depending on the number of transactions, the routine could take a few seconds or a few minutes to complete. You can check the status of the batch job by going to Setup and searching for Apex Jobs.

Once the job is complete, navigate to the Sales Order Plannings page to view the results.

Review the Sales Order Plannings with Plan Source = Parent BOM (No Valid Formula). If there is no Item Formula found for the Parent Item, then Item Formulas will need to be created for that Parent Item so that it can be exploded into its Component Items, allowing you to calculate the correct supply and demand.


  1. Parent Items are defined to be items with Replenishment System equal to Work Order. Items with Replenishment System equal to Purchase will be inserted into Sales Order Planning without being exploded.

  2. GoldFinch will look for Formula Versions that are effective using today’s date.

  3. If there are multiple effective Formula Versions, GoldFinch will look for the Formula Version with Default = yes. If there is no default Formula Version, GoldFinch will look for the first effective Formula Version.

  4. If there is no effective Formula Version, Item Formulas with blank Formula Version will be used.

  5. If there is no Item Formulas, the parent items will be inserted into Sales Order Planning without being exploded, and the Plan Source will be Parent BOM No Valid Formula.

Field Label

Field Level Help


Two possible values: Demand and Supply

Sales Order

The Sales Order associated with the Sales Order Planning.

Sales Line

The Sales Line associated with the Sales Order Planning

Order Date

The Order Date of the Sales Order associated with the Sales Order Planning

Parent Item

The Item of the Sales Line associated with the Sales Order Planing

Order Qty.

The Outstanding Qty. (Base) of the Sale Line associated with the Sales Order Planing.

Plan Item

Component Item of the Parent Item.

Unit of Measure

The Base Unit of Measure of the Plan Item

Plan Qty.

The calculated quantity based on the Item Formula and the parent item’s Order Qty.

Plan Date

The Shipment Date of Sales Line, or the Expected Receipt Date of Purchase Line.

Plan Source

Sales Line (demand from the sales lines)
Parent BOM (demand exploded from the sales lines)
Parent BOM (No Valid Formula) (If there is no Item Formula found for the parent item)
Purchase Line (Supply from the purchase lines for the plan item)
Inventory (Quantity on Hand for the plan item)
Sales Forecast (demand from the sales forecasts)

Finally, the GF2025 Sales Order Planning report will summarize the raw materials purchasing requirements. Items with a negative total Plan Qty indicate that you currently do not have enough supply to meet the demand for the current Sales Order Plan. For these items, you can Create a Purchase Order to ensure that you’ll have enough supply. It is also possible to filter the reports to see only records with Type = Demand.

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