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Sales Order Archive

Copy of the Sales Order object for archiving purposes.

Field Label

Accounting Variable 1

Accounting Variable 2

Accounting Variable 3

Accounting Variable 4

Allocation Priority

Alternate Shipping

Bill-to Blocked

Bill-to Customer

Billing City

Billing Contact

Billing Country

Billing Postal Code

Billing State

Billing Street



Currency Code

Currency Factor

Cust. PO No.

Delivery Date


Do Not Allocate

Document Status

Due Date

E-Commerce Billing Contact

E-Commerce Billing Name

E-Commerce Shipping Contact

E-Commerce Shipping Name

EDI Ack. Generated

EDI Ack. Generated Date

EDI Order

Estimated Shipment Date

Exclude from Usage

Freeze Allocation

GL Ledger

Is Residence

No. of Lines

On Hold Reason

On Hold Released By

Order Amount

Order Amt Incl. Tax

Order Confirmation Sent

Order Cost

Order Date

Order Discount

Order No.

Order Note

Order On Hold

Order Profit

Order Profit %

Order Quantity

Order Tax

Ordering Contact

Original Sales Order

Packaging Type

Payment Discount %

Payment Discount Date

Payment Term

Prepayment %


Quote Date

Ready to Send Confirmation

Return Order

Revision No.

Sales Quote

Sales Rep


Sell-To Blocked

Sell-to Customer

Send Order Confirmation

Shipment Date

Shipping Agent

Shipping Agent Service

Shipping City

Shipping Contact

Shipping Country

Shipping Payment Type

Shipping Postal Code

Shipping State

Shipping Street

Shipping Term

Standing Order


Tax Area

Tax Liable

Total Pallet

Total Quantity

Total Weight

Transportation Method


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