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Sales Line

Field Label

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Accounting Variable 1, 2, 3, 4

Default from Item, or Sales Order.

Allocated Qty.

Quantity allocated for the sales line.  It is possible to manually change the allocated quantity or bypass the allocation for the order completely.

Allocated Qty. Base

Allocated Quantity converted to the item’s base unit of measure.

Allocation Status

Calculated automatically by GoldFinch based on Qty. Not Allocated and Outstanding Qty. Possible values: None, Full, or Partial.

Base Unit of Measure

The Base Unit of Measure of the Item.

Breakbulk UOM

Used when a Customer orders Items in a different Unit of Measure than is shipped.

Catch Weight

If the item is a catch weight item this field will be checked.  Defaults from the item.  


If checked, the line has been manually closed before it has been completely shipped by selecting the Close function button.


The conversion factor of the unit of measure on the sales line to the item’s base unit of measure.

Cross Reference

The cross reference number setup for this item.

Currency Factor

If the currency is a foreign currency, this currency factor will be used when posting the invoice.

Customer Item

The Customer Item No. that is copied from the Cross Reference

Customer PO No.

External reference number used by the Customer that placed the order being shipped.


Use this field to give more detailed information about the sales line.  Will default to the Item description.


Line Amount x Discount %.

Discount By

Defines the Discount Per type.  The options are % or Unit.

Discount Per

GoldFinch retrieves the discount for the sales line based on multiple criteria such as the Sell-to Customer, Order Date, Item Category, etc.  This field in conjunction with the Discount By field will calculate the discount for the line.

Discounted Unit Price

The unit price for the line after the discount has been taken.

EDI Discount By

Used for EDI orders and is populated by the EDI Software Partner.

EDI Discount Per

Used for EDI orders and is populated by the EDI Software Partner.

EDI Line Amount

Used for EDI orders and is populated by the EDI Software Partner.

EDI Price Discrepancy

Used for EDI orders.  If the EDI Amount is not equal to the Line Amount this field will be checked.

EDI Unit of Measure

Used for EDI orders and is populated by the EDI Software Partner.

EDI Unit Price

Used for EDI orders and is populated by the EDI Software Partner.


Used for EDI orders and is populated by the EDI Software Partner.

Force Close

Indicates if the Sales Line was Force Closed.

Formula Version

Used to explode BOMs.


Can be used for searching for items, or is populated by the system automatically if the GTIN exists.

Import EDI Sales Order

The Import EDI Sales Order record associated with the Sales Line.

Import Sales Line

The Import Sales Line record associated with the Sales Line.

Invoiced Qty.

Quantity invoiced for the sales line.

Invoiced Qty. Base

Quantity invoiced for the sales line converted to the item’s base unit of measure.


Enter either an Inventory or Service item for the line.

Item Blocked

If checked, the item has been blocked and you cannot print an order confirmation or create a warehouse shipment for this item.  This will default from the Item setup.

Item Type

Defaults from the item with two possible values: Item or Service.

Item UOM Not Sellable

Defaults from the item unit of measure.  You are not able to choose item units of measure that are not sellable.

Line Amount

Quantity x Unit Price - Discount.

Line Amt Incl. Tax

Line Amount + Tax.

Line Cost

Quantity x Unit Cost.

Sales Discount Id

Lookup to Sales Discount object.

Line No.

GoldFinch populates this field incrementing by one.

Line Pallet

Quantity * Unit Pallet

Line Profit

Line Amount – Line Cost.

Line Status

GoldFinch updates this field with the possible values: Open, Back Ordered, Completed or All Shipped.

Line Type

Used with Explode BOM function with the possible values: Regular, Parent, and Component

Line Volume

Unit Volume * Quantity

Line Weight

Unit Weight * Quantity

Lot Tracked

If checked, the lot number for the item must be entered when processing a shipment.

O/S Qty. Base

Outstanding Quantity converted to the item’s base unit of measure.

Order Date

The date the customer placed the order.

Original Qty.

The Original Quantity of Line Items on the Purchase Line.

Outstanding Amount

The amount that has not shipped yet.

Outstanding Qty.

The quantity that has not shipped yet.

Parent Line

Used with Explode BOM function to link component lines with the parent lines.

Purchase Line

GoldFinch updates this field after a special purchase order or a drop ship purchase order has been created for the sales line.

Purchase Order

GoldFinch updates this field after a special purchase order or a drop ship purchase order has been created for the sales line.

Purchasing Type

It defines the fulfillment method for the inventory Item, with these possible values: Inventory, Special Order or Drop Ship. The default is Inventory.
If the item is a service item, Purchasing Type must be Inventory.

Qty. Base

Quantity converted to the item’s base unit of measure.

Qty. Not Allocated

Outstanding Quantity – Quantity Allocated

Qty. Not Allocated Base

Qty. Not Allocated converted to the item’s base unit of measure.

Qty. To Ship

The number of Line Items to be shipped.


Quantity ordered by the customer.

Replenishment System

Defines the replenishment system for the item.  The options are either Purchase order Work Order.

Requisition Created

Goldfinch populates this field when a requisition line is created for the sales line.

Requisition Line

GoldFinch populates this field when a requisition line is created for the sales line.

Return Order

If checked, the sales line is on a return order and the quantity must be a negative number.

Returned from SIL

On an RMA, this field can be chosen to update the Unit Cost and link the sales line with the original sales invoice line.

Sales Order

The sales order linked to this sales line.

Sales Price Id

Lookup to Sales Price object.

Sell-to Customer

The customer placing the order.

Serial Tracked

If the item requires serial number tracking, this field will be checked.  

Shipment Date

Defaults from the sales order header, but can be changed according to the customer’s requests.

Shipped Not Invoiced Amount

(Shipped Not Invoiced Qty. * Unit Price) - (Discount * (Shipped Not Invoiced Qty. / Quantity))

Shipped Not Invoiced Qty.

Quantity that is shipped but has not yet been invoiced.

Shipped Not Invoiced Qty. Base

Shipped not Invoiced Quantity converted to the item’s base unit of measure.

Shipped Qty.

Quantity Shipped for the sales line.

Shipped Qty. Base

Shipped Quantity converted to the item’s base unit of measure.

Shopping Cart Item

Used with Customer Portal.

Standing Order Line

Populated by the Mass Create Sales Order routine from the Standing Order list.


Line Amount x Tax %.

Tax %

GoldFinch retrieves this field based on the Tax Area on the order header and the Tax Group on the sales line.

Tax Group

The tax group for the item used to calculate sales tax.

Unit Cost

The Unit Cost of the sales line defaulting from the item.

Unit of Measure

The unit of measure for the item ordered.

Unit Pallet

Pallet from the item's unit of measure.

Unit Price

GoldFinch retrieves the unit price from the Item or from the Sales Price table.  This can be changed.

Unit Volume

Cubage from the item's unit of measure.

Unit Weight

Default weight from the item’s unit of measure.


The warehouse the items will ship from.  Defaults from the order header, but can be changed.

Work Line

GoldFinch updates this field after a special work order is created for the sales line.

Work Order

GoldFinch updates this field after a special work order is created for the sales line.

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