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Sales Invoice Line

Field Label

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Account Posting Setup

Populated by GoldFinch automatically for GL posting. This field can be overridden programmatically to override the default GL Posting setup.

Accounting Variable 1, 2, 3, 4

Default from Item, or Sales Invoice.

Alternate Shipping

The Alternate Shipping Record for the Customer Account associated with the Sales Invoice.

Assign To Sales Invoice

Used to assign outbound freight cost to another Sales Invoice.

Back Order Qty.

Outstanding Qty. from the associated Sales Line.


The Bin in which the invoiced Item was stored prior to selling.

Bin Content

The Bin Content Record associated with the Item being invoiced.


The Broker Account associated with the Sales Invoice Line.

Catch Weight

Indicates if the Item is a Catch Weight Item.


Line Amount if the Item is a Chargeback Item; 0 otherwise.


The conversion factor of the Unit of Measure on the Sales Invoice Line to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure.

Currency Decimals

Number of decimals used in the Currency on the Sales Invoice Line. The default is 2.

Currency Factor

Used for adjusting the invoiced Currency to the Default Currency defined in the Company Setup. 1 if the two Currencies are equal.


Area to enter a Description about the Sales Invoice Line. Will default to the Description of the Line Item.


Line Amount x Discount %

Discount By

Defines in what way the Discount is applied. Either by % or Unit.

Discount Per

GoldFinch retrieves the Discount for the Sales Invoice Line based on multiple criteria such as the Sell-to Customer, Order Date, Item Category, etc.  This field in conjunction with the Discount By field will be used to calculate the Discount for the line.

Document Status

The Document Status of the Sales Invoice.

EDI Discount By

Used for EDI orders and is populated by the EDI Software Partner. Copied from Sales Line.

EDI Discount Per

Used for EDI orders and is populated by the EDI Software Partner. Copied from Sales Line.

EDI Line Amount

Used for EDI orders and is populated by the EDI Software Partner. Copied from Sales Line.

EDI Price Discrepancy

Used for EDI orders.  If the EDI Amount is not equal to the Line Amount this field will be checked.  Copied from Sales Line.

EDI Unit Price

Used for EDI orders and is populated by the EDI Software Partner.  Copied from Sales Line.


Used for EDI orders and is populated by the EDI Software Partner.  Copied from Sales Line.

Freight Cost

Freight Cost [from Sales Invoice] * (Quantity/Invoice Inventory Qty. [from Sales Invoice]), if Item Type = Inventory; 0 otherwise.

GL Discount

Discount * (1/Currency Factor), rounded to two decimal places, if Currency Factor does not equal 0; Discount, if Currency Factor = 0.

GL Line Amount

Line Amount * (1/Currency Factor), rounded to two decimal places, if Currency Factor does not equal 0; Line Amount, if Currency Factor = 0.

GL Line Amount Incl. Tax

Line Amount Incl. Tax * (1/Currency Factor), rounded to two decimal places, if Currency Factor does not equal 0; Line Amount Incl. Tax, if Currency Factor = 0.

GL Line Cost

Line Cost * (1/Currency Factor), rounded to two decimal places, if Currency Factor does not equal 0; Line Cost, if Currency Factor = 0.

GL Tax

Tax * (1/Currency Factor), rounded to two decimal places, if Currency Factor does not equal 0; Tax, if Currency Factor = 0.

Import Shipment Line

The Import Shipment Line record associated with the Sales Invoice Line.


The Item being invoiced.

Item Type

The Type of Item being invoiced. Either Inventory or Service.

Line Amount

(Quantity x Unit Price) - Discount

Line Amt Incl. Tax

Line Amount + Tax

Line Cost

Quantity x Unit Cost

Sales Discount Id

Lookup to Sales Discount object.

Line No.

Default by GoldFinch. Used fo sorting.

Line Profit

Line Amount – Line Cost

Line Sales

Line Amount + Discount

Lot Qty. Entered

The Item Quantity selected from the associated Lot.

Lot Qty. Not Entered

Quantity - Lot Qty. Entered

Lot Tracked

Indicates if the Item on the Sales Invoice Line is Lot Tracked.

Order Quantity

Order Quantity from the associated Sales Line.

Posting Date

Posting Date of the associated Sales Invoice.

Price Book

The Price Book associated with this Sales Invoice Line


The Project associated with the Sales Invoice Line.

Project Task

The Project Task associated with the Sales Invoice Line.

Promotion Calendar

The Promotion Calendar associated with the Sales Invoice Line.

Qty. Base

Quantity converted to the Item’s Base Unit of Measure.

Qty. Not Returned

Quantity – Returned Qty


The Quantity of Items being invoiced.

Returned from SIL

On an RMA, this field can be chosen to update the Unit Cost and link the sales line with the original sales invoice line.  Copied from the sales line.

Returned Qty.

Quantity returned for the sales invoice line.


Line Amount + Discount if Item Type = Inventory.  Used for reporting.

Sales Invoice

The Sales Invoice linked to the sales invoice line.

Sales Line

The Sales Line that is linked to the sales invoice line.

Sales Order

The Sales Order associated with the Sales Invoice Line.

Sales Price Id

Lookup to Sales Price object.

Sell To Customer

Name of the Sell-to Customer from the Sales Invoice.  Used for reporting.

Serial Tracked

Indicates if the Item on the Sales Invoice Line is Serial Tracked.

Shipment Line

The Whse. Shipment Line linked to the sales invoice line.

Shipped Not Invoiced Qty.

Shipped Not Invoiced qty. from the linked sales line.


Line Amount x Tax %

Tax %

Automatically populated by GoldFinch based on the Tax Area on the Sales Invoice and Tax Group on the Sales Invoice Line.

Tax Group

The Tax Group for the Line Item. Used in calculating tax.

Unit Cost

The Unit Cost of the Line Item. Defined on the Item Record.

Unit of Measure

The Unit of Measure of the Line Item.

Unit Price

The Unit Price of the Line Item.


The Warehouse at which the invoiced Item was stored prior to selling.

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