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Sales Invoice

Field Label

Field Level Help

Accounting Variable 1, 2, 3, 4

Default from Sales Order. If it is a straight sales invoice, default from User Setup, or Account.

Actual Shipment Date

The actual shipment date of the Shipment.  Copied from the linked Whse. Shipment. 

Alternate Shipping

Used if the Ship-to Address is different from the Bill-to Address. Alternating Shipping is set up on the Sell-to Customer or its parent account.

Applied Amount

Invoice Amount Incl. Tax - Remaining Amount retrieved from Customer Ledger Entry

Applied-to Invoice

Used for Credit Memos to link to the original Sales Invoice.

Batch Post Error

If the invoice was not able to post when the batch posting routine was run, the error text will automatically be entered here.

Batch Post Status

Batch posting routine updates this field automatically with the values: Completed, Failed, Processing.

Bill-to Customer

Defaults to the Sell-to Customer but can be different based on the Sell-to Customer setup.  This is the customer who will receive the invoice and the account the receivable is applied to.

Billing City

The city where the invoice will be sent.

Billing Contact

The contact to whom the invoice will be sent.

Billing Country

The country where the invoice will be sent.

Billing Name

The alternate name in addition to the Bill-to Customer the invoice will be sent.

Billing Postal Code

The postal code where the invoice will be sent.

Billing State

The state where the invoice will be sent.

Billing Street

The street where the invoice will be sent.


If a BOL was created from the Whse. Shipment associated with this invoice, the BOL No. will be populated here.  A BOL No. is mandatory if the order associated with this invoice is an EDI order and the 'Is 3PL' field on the Warehouse is not checked.


The Broker account associated with the invoice.

Bypass Shipment

Used to indicate that no Whse Shipment is not required.

Credit Memo

If checked, the invoice becomes a credit memo and all quantities on the sales invoice line must be negative.

Currency Code

The currency used for this invoice.

Currency Factor

The conversion factor from the Currency on the Quote to the Default Currency defined on the Company Setup Record.

Customer Ledger Entry

Populated when the Sales Invoice is posted. It is used to display the Applied Amount and the Remaining Amount

Customer PO No.

A Reference No. from the Customer copied from the Sales Order. 


Additional information about the invoice can be entered here.

Document Status

GoldFinch updates this field automatically with the values, Open or Posted. 

Due Date

The payment Due Date of the invoice.

EDI Invoice

Defines if the invoice is an EDI invoice.  

EDI Invoice Amount

Total EDI amount from all sales invoice lines. 

EDI Invoice Generated

If the EDI Invoice has been generated, this field will be checked.  Typically this field is updated by the EDI software partner.

EDI Invoice Generated Date

The date the EDI Invoice had been generated. Typically this field is updated by the EDI software partner.

Factor AR

Checked if the Factor Account is not blank for the Payment Term.

Freight Cost

This field can be entered manually or if this invoice is linked to a freight purchase invoice, the freight cost will be automatically entered when the purchase invoice is posted.

Freight Cost Override

If checked, the Freight Cost will not be updated automatically when posting freight purchase invoices.

GL Invoice Amount

Sum of the GL Line Amount field on all associated Sales Invoice Lines

GL Invoice Amt Incl. Tax

Sum of the GL Line Amt Incl. Tax field on all associated Sales Invoice Lines

GL Invoice Cost

Sum of the GL Line Cost field on all associated Sales Invoice Lines

GL Invoice Tax

Sum of the GL Tax field on all associated Sales Invoice Lines

GL Ledger

GL Ledger for the transaction. Default is blank.

Import Sales Order

The Import Sales Order record associated with the Sales Invoice.

Import Shipment

The Import Shipment Record associated with the Sales Invoice.

Invoice Amount

Total Line Amount from all sales invoice lines.

Invoice Amt Incl. Tax

Total Line Amount Including Tax from all sales invoice lines.

Invoice Cost

Total Line Cost from all sales invoice lines.

Invoice Date

The date of the invoice used for aging purposes.  This date can be different from the date the transaction is posted.

Invoice Discount

Total Line Discount from all sales invoice lines.

Invoice Inventory Qty.

Total Line Quantity from all sales invoice lines where the Item Type = Inventory.

Invoice Profit

Invoice Amount – Invoice Cost.

Invoice Profit %

Percentage of Invoice Profit / Invoice Amount.

Invoice Quantity

Total quantity from all sales invoice lines.

Invoice Sent

When the PDF invoice is sent by the Batch Email PDF Documents routine, this field is checked.  This field can also be checked manually.  

Invoice Tax

Total sales tax from all sales invoice lines.


The unique alphanumeric text string that identifies this Sales Invoice record.

No. of Lines

Total number of sales invoice lines.

Old Order No.

The number of the external Sales Order record that was associated with this Sales Invoice outside of Goldfinch ERP

Order Date

The date the customer placed the order.  Copied from the associated Sales Order.

Order Source

Defines how the order linked to this invoice was entered: EDI, Shopify-Web, WooCommerce, Shopify-Amazon Seller Central or Amazon Seller Central if the order was imported through an import sales order routine.  If blank, the order was entered manually.  

Payment Discount %

The payment discount % given if the customer pays on or before the date entered in the Pmt. Discount Date field.

Payment Discount Date

The date the customer must pay on or before to take advantage of the Payment Discount.

Payment Status

GoldFinch updates this field automatically with the values, Open, Partially Paid, or Fully Paid, by comparing Invoice Amt Incl. Tax and Remaining Amount if the GoldFinch Customer Receipt module is used to process customer payments.

Payment Terms

The payment terms used to calculate the Due Date and Payment Discount Date.

Posting Date

The date the invoice is posted.  The posting date is used for the GL Entries that are created.

Profit After Freight

Invoice Profit - Freight Cost.


The Project associated with the invoice.

Ready to Post

If checked, this invoice will be included in the Batch Post routine to post the invoice.

Ready to Send Invoice

Put a check in this field when the invoice should be included in the Batch Email PDF Document routine.

Remaining Amount

Retrieved from Customer Ledger Entry

Sales Order

The Sales Order associated with the invoice.

Sales Rep

The Sales Rep associated with the invoice.  Copied from Sales Order.


Default from the Shipping Agent and is used for outbound 810 EDI transactions.  This field is mandatory if the order associated with this invoice is an EDI order and the 'Is 3PL' field on the Warehouse is not checked.

Sell-to Customer

The customer associated with the invoice.  Copied from Sales Order or entered manually.

Sent to Factor

Manually check the field when the invoice is sent to the Factor account. If checked, unposting of the Sales Invoice is not allowed.


The Whse. Shipment associated with the invoice.

Shipment BOL

The Shipment Bill of Lading associated with the Sales Invoice.

Shipment SCAC

The Shipment SCAC Code associated with the Sales Invoice.

Shipping Agent

The shipping agent used when the goods were shipped to the customer. 

Shipping Agent Service

The type of shipping service used with the Shipping Agent

Shipping City

The city where the goods were sent.

Shipping Contact

The Contact (Person) who will be receiving the associated shiment.

Shipping Country

The Country being shipped to.

Shipping Postal Code

The postal code where the goods were sent.

Shipping State

The state where the goods were sent.

Shipping Street

The street where the goods were sent.


Used to group sales invoices.


Used for Accounting integration.  If checked, invoices have been sent to the back-end accounting system.

Tax Area

The Tax Area for this invoice used to calculate sales tax defaulting from the Alternate Ship-to Address or the Sell-to Customer. 

Tax Liable

If checked, sales tax will be calculated on this invoice defaulting from the Alternate Ship-to Address or the Sell-to Customer. 

Temp Invoice

If checked, this invoice has not yet been posted.

Total Quantity

The total sum of the Quantity from all Sales Invoice Lines in this Sales Invoice.

Use Posting Date for Invoice Date

If checked, GoldFinch will update the invoice date with the posting date during posting.


The warehouse where the items on the invoice had shipped from.  Copied from Sales Order or Whse. Shipment.

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