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Sales Forecast Summary Line

Field Label

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Alternate Shipping

The Alternate Shipping Record selected on the associated Sales Forecast Summary.


The Customer Account selected on the associated Sales Forecast Summary.

Customer Channel 

The Customer Channel selected on the associated Sales Forecast Summary.


The Alternate Shipping Record selected on the associated Sales Forecast Summary.

Item Category

The Item Category selected on the associated Sales Forecast Summary.


Corresponds to the number of active filters on the associated Sales Forecast Summary.

Period 01

The Quantity forecasted for Period 1.

Period 02

The Quantity forecasted for Period 2.

Period 03

The Quantity forecasted for Period 3.

Period 04

The Quantity forecasted for Period 4.

Period 05

The Quantity forecasted for Period 5.

Period 06

The Quantity forecasted for Period 6.

Period 07

The Quantity forecasted for Period 7.

Period 08

The Quantity forecasted for Period 8.

Period 09

The Quantity forecasted for Period 9.

Period 10

The Quantity forecasted for Period 10.

Period 11

The Quantity forecasted for Period 11.

Period 12

The Quantity forecasted for Period 12.

Period 13

The Quantity forecasted for Period 13.

Product Family

The Product Family selected on the associated Sales Forecast Summary.

Product Group

The Product Group selected on the associated Sales Forecast Summary.

Sales Forecast Summary

The Sales Forecast Summary associated with the Summary Line.

Store No.

The Store Number associated with the Sales Forecast Summary Line.


The Warehouse selected on the associated Sales Forecast Summary.

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