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The GoldFinch Sales app simplifies and automates the sales process, providing tools to manage key sales activities such as Sales Orders, Warehouse (Whse.) Shipments, Picking Tickets, and Sales Invoices. Orders can be entered manually or automatically through various integration modules, helping streamline the entire sales workflow.

Key Features

  1. Sales Orders:
    Create and manage sales orders, tracking customer demand from order entry to fulfillment.

  2. Whse. Shipments:
    Process and record the shipment of goods from the warehouse, updating inventory and ensuring accurate order fulfillment.

  3. Picking Tickets:
    Generate picking tickets to guide warehouse staff in gathering items for shipment. Picking tickets provide a detailed list of items to be picked from inventory.

  4. Sales Invoices:
    Generate and manage sales invoices, reflecting the details of orders fulfilled and ensuring accurate billing for customers.

Integration Options

  • GoldFinch EDI Integration Module:
    Automatically import orders through EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), ensuring seamless communication with trading partners and automating order entry.

  • GoldFinch E-Commerce Integration Module:
    Automatically import online orders from e-commerce platforms, streamlining order processing and reducing manual data entry.

  • GoldFinch Customer Portal:
    Customers can place orders directly through the customer portal, and the orders will be automatically inserted into the system.

By utilizing the GoldFinch Sales app, businesses can efficiently manage sales operations, automate order entry, and enhance order fulfillment processes, improving overall customer satisfaction.

Overview Video

Training Video


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