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Requisition Line

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GoldFinch updates this field automatically with the values: New, Cancel, Change Qty., Reschedule or Change Both.

Alternate Shipping

Alternate Shipping address for the Purchase Order.


The conversion factor of the unit of measure on the requisition line to the item’s base unit of measure.


The currency for the requisition line.


If the requisition line has been created from a Drop Ship or Special sales order, the customer Account will be defined.


The description of the requisition line.


Line Cost x Discount %

Discount %

The percentage to be taken off of the Line Cost.

Due Date

The Due Date for the order that will be created.

Formula Version

The Formula Version of the manufactured Item on the Requisition Line.


The item of the requisition line.

Item Category

The Item Category of the item.

Line Cost

The Quantity x Unit Cost.

Line No.

Automatically populated by GoldFinch. Incremented by one with each additional Line.

Order Created

If checked, a Work Order or Purchase Order is created for the line.

Order Date

The Order Date for the order that will be created.

Outside Service

If checked, the requisition line will create a purchase order for an outside service.

Purchase Line

The purchase order line number that was created from the requisition line.

Purchase Order

The purchase order number that was created from the requisition line.

Purchasing Agent

The purchasing agent associated with the requisition line.

Purchasing Type

If a purchase order is created, the type of purchase is defined as either: Inventory, Special Order or Drop Ship.

Qty. Base

Quantity converted to the item’s base unit of measure.


The quantity of the requisition line.

Replenishment System

Defines the type of order that will be created upon processing the requisition.  The options are: Purchase Order or Work Order.


The Requisition header associated with this Requisition Line.

Routing Version

Routing Version of the Item that is to be produced. It is calculated automatically and can be overridden.

Sales Line

The originating Sales Line for the Requisition Line.

Sales Order

The originating Sales Order for the Requisition Line.

Unit Cost

The unit cost of the requisition line.

Unit of Measure

The UOM of the requisition line.


The Account the purchase order will be created for.


The warehouse of the requisition line.

Work Center

If the item is a work center, this will be checked.

Work Line

The work order line number that was created from the requisition line.

Work Order

The work order number that was created from the requisition line.

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