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Replenishing Production Input Bin


As discussed in the Warehouse Setup section, GoldFinch has Bins dedicated to pulling inventory to be consumed: Input Bin or Batch Input Bin (for Batch Work Order). Depending on both your Warehouse setup and your specific Work Order, it is likely that you will need to replenish those Bins before you can consume components. 

Replenishing Inventory in the production bin has 2 dimensions: 

  1. There needs to be enough inventory in the Bin

  2. The Inventory must be in the unit of measure that the Work Order is calling for

Many manufacturers purchase raw materials in bulk but will use them in different measurements

  • For example, you may purchase an ingredient in gallons (gal) but use it in your formula in ounces (oz). Packaging components often work the same way with CASE and EACH. 

The Work Order’s Create Replenishment Movements function will aid in the planning process by identifying if there is enough inventory to produce the items you have on selected work orders. If there are any discrepancies, it will highlight what Inventory or Breakbulk Movements you will need to do.

Create Replenishment Movements

From any Work Order List:

  1. Select the Work Orders you would like to include on the Replenishment Movements. All selected Work Orders must have the same warehouse, and they cannot have the Finished status.

  2. Select Create Replenishment Movements.

GoldFinch will look at the Work Lines for all selected Work Orders and summarize the Remaining Qty. of the component items by Items and by Units of Measure.                                              

Each component will be listed on the confirmation page with the total Expected Qty. needed for the Work Orders selected.

Review the inventory availability for the components, then click Create Movement. GoldFinch will create a Whse. Movement Activity to:

  1. Breakbulk inventory in the Input bin to match with what the Work Orders require.

  2. Suggest inventory to move and breakbulk from other bins ordered first by Lot Expiration Date then by Bin Ranking (the higher number ranking listed first)

Executing Whse. Movement Activity

On the Whse. Movement Activity page, you can Print Instructions for the Warehouse Staff. After the movement is executed, click Post to commit the transactions.

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