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Release Notes 12/31/23


New Features

Fixed Asset Module

  • Feature: The Fixed Asset object and Fixed Asset Journal helps manage and track organization’s fixed assets.

  • Description: The Fixed Asset object is used to maintain fixed asset records. The Fixed Asset Journal object can be used to manage acquisition, depreciation, and disposal of fixed assets. For more details, please visit the page.

User Adoption

Updated Sales Process using Lightning Web Components

  • Feature: Sales Order and Sales Quote built using Lightning Web Components

  • Description: Lightning web components are lightweight and improve performance. Experience lightning-fast Sales Order and Sales Quoting capabilities with the new update.

Warehouse Receipt New Functions

  • Feature: New Create Pallet and Put-away Pallets function

  • Description: Enhancements to warehouse management that offer more control over pallet creation and the put-away process.

Sales Tax V2

  • Feature: New updated version of Sales Tax V1 with more customization power and control.

  • Description: Sales Tax V2 has the following improvements over V1. You can now:

    1. Assign a separate Sales Tax Account and Purchase Tax Account by Tax Jurisdiction.

    2. Set up Tax Details by Tax Jurisdiction. The same Tax Jurisdiction can be reused in different Tax Areas.

    3. Tracks individual Tax Rates and Tax Amounts by Tax Jurisdiction on Sales Lines and Sales Invoice Lines.

    4. Post Sales Tax GL Entries by Tax Jurisdictions.

    5. Print Sales Tax by Tax Jurisdictions on Sales Order PDF and Sales Invoice PDF.

For more details, please visit the page.

Purchase Invoice Batch Post and Unpost

  • Feature: New PI Batch Post and Unpost functionality

  • Description: You are now able to post and unpost more than one Purchase Invoice at a time.

Upgrade Information

You are welcome to schedule a meeting with us if you would like to learn more. Please email us at

Let us know if you have any feedback. We would love to hear your ideas and suggestions.

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